the us health care system is out of balance, favoring treatment of disease and disease complications over prevention and wellness. to establish a more sustainable balance, the centers for disease control and prevention and the centers for medicare and medicaid services are providing new funding for ...
Mark Hellowell and colleagues assess the options for achieving an adequately funded NHSThe National Health Service was created in 1948 with the aim of ensuring that access to healthcare would depend on need and not ability to pay. "The essence of a satisfactory health service" wrote the health...
“One of the primary, and arguably most important, uses of data in healthcare is to accurately prescribe treatment” As I have noted elsewhere, “big data” seems to be the answer to everything these days. It's especially attractive as a way to disrupt large,...
Accurate artificial intelligence (AI) for disease diagnosis could lower healthcare workloads. However, when time or financial resources for gathering input data are limited, as in emergency and critical-care medicine, developing accurate AI models, which
Insights from AIMPA Board Chair and President Paul Berggreen, MD, highlight the dynamics and outcomes of these transitions.SHOW MORE The leader of the American Independent Medical Practice Association discusses the state of private equity investment in health care. ...
party administrators, stop loss insurance carriers, managing general underwriters, audit firms, medical managers, technology organizations, pharmacy benefit managers, brokers/agents, human resource managers, and health care consultants. HCAA has spearheaded the change of self-funding for more than 35 ...
Anesthesia and analgesia are major components of many interventional studies on laboratory animals. However, various studies have shown improper reporting or use of anesthetics/analgesics in research proposals and published articles. In many cases, it se
This study aimed to systematically map elements of care and respective outcomes described in the literature for different models of post-treatment care for
In bioethics and health policy, we often discuss the appropriate boundaries of public funding; how the interface of public and private purchasers and providers should be organized and regulated receives less attention. In this paper, I discuss ethical and regulatory issues raised at this interface by...
Future scenarios of the healthcare burden of COVID-19 in low- or middle-income countries. London: MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis, Imperial College London. . Study web site: ....