[2310.01444] Adapting LLM Agents Through Communication [2309.17288] AutoAgents: A Framework for Automatic Agent Generation Exploring Multi-Persona Prompting for Better Outputs: "method of prompt engineering that instructs the LLM to summon multiple personas and have them work together to solve a task"...
Slides [Yao Fu] 预训练,指令微调,对齐,专业化:论大语言模型能力的来源 Bilibili [Hung-yi Lee] ChatGPT 原理剖析 Youtube [Jay Mody] GPT in 60 Lines of NumPy Link [ICML 2022] Welcome to the "Big Model" Era: Techniques and Systems to Train and Serve Bigger Models Link [NeurIPS 2022] ...
HOIFUNG POON:Thanks, John. Very excited to be here. As, John, you mentioned, one of the really, sort of, like, really exciting frontier is to advance multimodal generative AI, and for us, particular exciting area is to apply this into precision ...
The slides were then rinsed with buffer (10 mM Tris, 10 mM NaCl, pH 7.5), incubated with streptavidin solution (Thermo Fisher, S888, 0.5 mg ml−1), and rinsed again with buffer, followed by incubation with the annealed DNA solution (50 pM) to immobilize the DNA to the ...
With close to another decade of experience, it has become clear that high oil prices don’t “stick” very well. The economy then slides into recession, or some other adverse event takes place, bringing oil prices back down again. The relatively low maximum to fossil fuel prices tends to...
Here are some examples of popular Agile maturity models. Use the following templates for presentations when you discuss Agile maturity initiatives: Download an Agile Crawl-Walk-Run Model Template for PowerPoint|Google Slides Crawl, Walk, Run: In his bookGood to Great, Jim Collins describes a susta...
ELM, continued The Peripheral route: is reflexive, based on mental shortcuts, credibility, appearance cues, quantity of arguments heuristic cues (decision rules): rules for simplifying the thought process “Experts can be trusted,”“As seen on TV” Source attractiveness (celebrity endorsements) “...
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I (Kai-Wei Chang) will be giving a talk as part of theICASSP 2024 tutorialtitledParameter-Efficient and Prompt Learning for Speech and Language Foundation Models. The topic will cover nowday's speech/audio large language models. The slides from my presentation is available athttps://kwchang....
absence of interaction across patches.(c)Our DistriFusion employs synchronous communication for patch interaction at the first step. After that, we reuse the activations from the previous step via asynchronous communication. In this way, the communication overhead can be hidden into the computation ...