Modelling and Simulation of System Dynamics of Hybrid-Driven Precision Press[J]. Transactions of Tianjin University. 2005(03)李永刚,张策,孟彩芳,宋轶民.Modelling and Simulation of System Dynamics of Hybrid-Driven Precision Press[J]. Transactions of Tianjin University.2005(03)Modelling and ...
Modelling and simulation of gear system dynamics to support the condition monitoring is one of the most important issues which should be properly developed. There are many papers on the subject of gearbox dynamic modelling however they are not coherent. Only in few papers a "complete system", ...
We describe in this paper a new method to perform automated mathematical modelling for Dynamical Engineering Systems (DES) using Fuzzy Logic techniques, Dynamical Systems and Fractal theory. The idea of using Dynamical Systems Theory and Fractal Theory as alternative approaches for modelling can be jus...
the testing and development of nonlinear dynamic models is given very strong emphasis particular attention is given to integrated systems applications involving complex design processes where decisions involving one sub-system have a direct bearing on the design of other sub-systems and on the overall ...
Modelling and simulation of complex systems Michele Sonnessa Dottorato in “Cultura e Impresa” Modelli matematici/informatici per l'impresa – Simulazione, rappresentazione della conoscenza e impresa Supervisori: Antonio Di Leva, Università di Torino Pietro Terna, Unversità di Torino Index Acknowledg...
Inverse simulation is a technique used in the modelling of dynamic systems that allows time histories of input variables to be found that generate required model output responses and provide inverse solutions in cases where analytical approaches to model inversion can present difficulties. This paper de...
摘要: 1 Abstract In the development of high lift systems, failures and associated load cases on structural parts are of specific interest for design and dimensioning the structure. As the dynamics of aerodynamically high loaded, flexible structures in failure cases are very...
International Journal of Robust & Nonlinear ControlD. R. C. Hill, Theory of Modelling and Simulation: Integrating Discrete Event and Continuous Complex Dynamic Systems: Second Edition by B. P. Zeigler, H. Praehofer, T. G. Kim, Academic Press, San Diego, CA, 2000., vol. 12, no. 1. ...
Examples include the development of a marine engineering trainer to support Type 45, a shock mounting design assessment tool to support the design installation of naval equipment, and a dynamic modelling and simulation framework, an addition to the Combat System Engineering D...
simulation tools and platforms formal methods of simulation (Monte Carlo method, planning and scheduling, ontologies, real-time systems, stochastic method, dynamic method, nonlinear method, optimization, distributed and parallel computing, mathematical method, decision support, risk analysis, verification and...