Few Model Management is one of the leading modelling agencies in Lagos City. The agency is renowned for polishing young ladies into becoming talented models who kill on the runway. Few model agency was the modelling agency that signed ex bread seller Olajumoke Orisaguna when she was discovered b...
History of the Nigerian power system dated back to when the Lagos Colony was served by two power plants completed in 1886. The Nigerian Electricity Supply Company (NESCO) was created in 1929, making it the country's first utility corporation [74]. Afterward, in 1951, the Energy Corporation ...
Braimoh, A.K.; Onishi, T. Spatial determinants of urban land use change in Lagos, Nigeria.Land Use Policy2007,24, 502–515. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Brown, D.G.; Groovaerts, P.; Burnicki, A.; Meng-Ying, L. Stochastic Simulation of Land-Cover Change Using Geostatistics and Gener...
The Plausibility of Life[1], in order to explain how novelty arises in evolution. Motivated by advances in evolutionary and developmental biology (evo devo), these investigators proposed that conserved processes are ubiquitous in eukaryotes but pointed out that by ...
The concept of conserved processes presents unique opportunities for using nonhuman animal models in biomedical research. However, the concept must be examined in the context that humans and nonhuman animals are evolved, complex, adaptive systems. Given that nonhuman animals are examples of living syste...