The current work is based on a 3D finite element method (FEM) modeling of dry milling processes on a Ti-6Al-4V workpiece. The FEM solver Abaqus Explicit~R was used with the Johnson-Cook plasticity model to describe the deformation of the workpiece. Experimental work was carried out to ...
Although experimental and analytical methods remain prevalent in the literature, the significance of numerical analyses should not be overlooked, as they provide valuable insights into the behavior of structural elements with intricate material properties. In recent years, numerical codes such as ABAQUS, ...
The major failure modes including axial splitting of the tube wall and delamination were modeled using the available features in LSDYNA and ABAQUS codes for dynamic and quasi-static analysis, respectively. The results show that the finite element models were able to predict the average and peak ...
The complex interplay between chemistry, microstructure, and behavior of many engineering materials has been investigated predominantly by experimental methods. Parallel to the increase in computer power, advances in computational modeling methods have r
A suitable piece of software is presented to connect Abaqus, a sophisticated finite element package, with Matlab, the most comprehensive program for mathematical analysis. This interface between these well-known codes not only benefits from the image processing and the integrated graph-plotting features...
Simulia, Abaqus / CAE 6.14 User’s Manual. Dassault Systémes Inc. Providence, RI, USA, 2014, 1–1146. Google Scholar [41] S. Skiba, B. Chevrier, L. Faure, S. Philippon Thermoelastoviscoplastic Bilinear Compressive Constitutive Law of an AlSi-PE Abradable Material Based on Experimental Inves...
The increased usage of fiber reinforced polymer composites in load bearing applications requires a detailed understanding of the process induced residual s
The current work is based on a 3D finite element method (FEM) modeling of dry milling processes on a Ti6Al4V workpiece. The FEM solver Abaqus Explicit was used with the JohnsonCook plasticity model to describe the deformation of the workpiece. Experimental work was carried out to validate the...
Tvergaard, 1982Gullerud et al., 2000) while being available in a commercial software, e.g., ABAQUS. The technique dynamically deletes an element or reduces the element stiffness where local elemental quantities reach failure criteria. Various failure criteria were employed using several physical quan...
The different components of near-end pullout specimens were represented using proper elements in ABAQUS software with the cohesive element adopted to consider bond behavior. The model is calibrated using data from two published experimental works, before its predictions were extrapolated to consider the...