It’s a process, like everythng else in either life , you take baby steps you learn , change and grow. SL has come a long way it’s not 2003 anymore or even 2007 and as I have watched things change in SL I’m still thrilled! That’s 8 years! Music on Second Life has changed...
Well, every time I go to look at the climate models, I come away more confused. And today is no exception. I decided to take a look at the relationship between the change in forcing (downwelling radiation) and the change in temperature. Forcing datasets are somewhat hard to come by, but...
8.1.3 Basic Ideas of Modeling and Inference with the Likelihood Function The practice of statistical modeling is an iterative process of fitting successive models in search of a model that provides an adequate description without being unnecessarily complicated. Application of ML methods generally starts...
Combining item response models and survival models with time-dependent covariates, where a latent variable process for quality of life determines the probability of selecting various options on quality of life items, and also serves as a time-dependent covariate in the survival model, accomplish this...
ReValver models guitar amplifiers, stompboxes and effects at the component level, resulting in unmatched realism, dynamics and tone. ReValve...
So as we roll into the last dying embers of the flaming glory that is (North American) Pride Month (Europe you’ve still got some fun ahead), I’ve doing my best to make both good and questionable decisions. The good decision was to read an absolutely fabulous book by a British author...
The discrete probability distributions are used to model the discrete events including earthquakes, car accidents, number of landslide or other events like number of people dying of diseases like breast cancer, PBC2, etc. These events can be characterized diffrenetly in different study areas. Some...
isolated case-control deviations in a particular gene often evade direct interpretation. Similarly, risk loci identified at the level of human populations through GWAS are often challenging to resolve in the context of individual cell-types and molecular processes. As highlighted by co-expression networ...
JAMES is a Gold Open Access journal that publishes original research articles advancing the development and application of models at all scales in understanding the physical Earth system and its coupling to biological, geological and chemical systems.
To sum up, the process of customizing the model is: First build3DmodelJSONdata structure information object Register theJSONmodel object into the system,ht.Default.setShape3dModel('dragon', dragonModel) Set the data attributes that need to be displayed as the effect of the model,node.setStyle...