Blender Beginner Tutorial Modeling Big City Introduction Series入门教程造型大城市介绍系列 124 -- 1:01:45 App 机器人头部建模索具动画 blender 3.0 Robot head modeling, rigging, animation 134 -- 9:01 App How to Create Water Simulation in Blender 3.0创建水模拟 26 -- 51:23 App Donut Shop in ...
Not interested in a subscription? Purchase this course on the Blender Market. Recommended Next: Fundamentals of Digital Sculpting Learn all the essential tools, features, and techniques of sculpting with Blender 2.8. This tutorial course will lay the foundation of using Blender's sculpt mode, ap...
Modeling in Blender: Hammer 材质/灯光/渲染 软件环境 Blender 2.80 参考教程 Blender 2.8 Beginner Textures and Materials Tutorial Render Result 制作流程记录 材质 手柄使用木纹材质(Displacement材质结点,使材质看上去有凹凸感,效果类似于Normal贴图) 头部使用两种金...
Blender珠宝3D建模主题教学068:爱心形城堡镶/Blender Jewelry Design & 3D Modeling Tutorial 068 瑰藝局 1210 0 09:53 Blender珠寶3D建模主題教學051:竹節戒指/Blender Jewelry Design & 3D Modeling Tutorial 051 瑰藝局 1528 0 11:20 Blender珠宝3D建模主题教学077:扭转爱心/Blender Jewelry Design & 3D ...
Modeling in Blender: Chest box 软件环境 Blender 2.80 参考教程 MODELLING For Absolute Beginners - Blender Tutorial Render Results 制作笔记 先制作整体的外形,再添加大的细节,利用Belve切角工具生成宝箱圆角...
Create Exterior modeling in blender with Eevee and Cycles - part 5 final 102 -- 49:38 App Create Exterior modeling in blender with Eevee and Cycles - part 4 106 -- 54:27 App How to Create a Modern House in Blender - Part 4 214 -- 17:54 App Blender Architecture Addon Tutorial, In...
Blender官網: 範例資料下載請至瑰藝局YouTube: 本次重点: 本次重点: 1.巧克力方块排列建模 2.阵列修改器:适应曲线功能 3.曲线修改器应用 4.Node资讯: 模型 野生技术协会 ...
In this tutorial by 3D artist Arturs Luksis you’ll observe the workflow of character creation in Blender. More specifically you get to build a beloved Pokemon character from scratch with lots of guidance.Starting with a low-poly model, the artist continues through the creation of the high-...
What Blender is, how to install it, navigating the interface (without freaking out), working in 3D, moving things around, and where you can continue your learning after this tutorial series. Oh, and you'll create your first Blender model, too!
职场视频:blender modeling tutorial part 5--13.A_02_4_建模主题之Ngons