About 20 years ago I was asked to do a study for the International Labor Organization on whether child workers were more exploited than adults across a set of occupations and countries. That required collecting a lot of data, both on how much kids are paid and how productive (in economic v...
he doesn’t owe us a continuing flow of deep new ideas. In the three decades since his fiftieth birthday he’s coauthored several influential books, has written thoughtful review articles, participated in applied research topics, taught classes, advised students, etc. My only ...
based models lie along a continuum of increasing resolution into individuality. Fine-grained models have an appeal because of the potential to account for inhomogeneities that cannot be easily captured with models that group individuals into classes. However, the more idiosyncratic, complex, or realisti...
Disease severity is modeled as reduction in severity relative to infection with Delta in naive individuals (for round 12 this was changed to all immune classes, not just naive individuals). The increase in transmissibility is also relative to the Delta variant. Values in parentheses indicate ...
7; adults are not shown but had similar results. The sub-regions chosen in Fig. 8 are areas where most changes were expected as a result of the discharge locations of the four diversions in the middle and lower regions of Barataria Bay and Breton Sound (Fig. 1). The model-wide effect...
In structural engineering, Finite Element Models (FEMs) are widely used in literature to estimate the failure modes in various classes of structures for different levels of magnitudes of earthquakes. This knowledge of failure modes of CFRD can be ascertained based on structural engineering evaluations ...
For the unbalanced dataset, the authors proposed to use a weighted loss function during training to improve model performance on minority classes. In order to learn some short-term features, such as K-complex and spindles, which last around 0.5–1.5 s, each epoch is divided into multiple ...
Digital education is not being utilized, and it only exists as an educational program for learning digital skills. Classes in other subjects are still conducted using traditional study methods. No matter how much EdTech transforms the classroom into a digital environment, it has not been able to...
Conclusions A review of the scientific and technical literature in the field of mathematical mod- eling showed that, at the moment, there is considerable experience in using models of different levels to describe certain classes of forecasting problems: flow hydrodynamics during spraying and the ...