Modeling Food Accessibility in Columbus, Ohio Using Agent-Based Modeling: Testing Impacts of Multiple InterventionsKoh, Keumseok PeterKoh, Keumseok Peter
Ohio QuickBook Modeling Agency Cleveland Cincinnati Columbus Toledo Akron Dayton Parma Canton Ohio Oklahoma QuickBook Modeling Agency Oklahoma City Tulsa Norman Broken Arrow Edmond Lawton Moore Midwest City Oklahoma Oregon QuickBook Modeling Agency Portland Salem Eugene Corvallis Seaside Lincoln City Hillsboro...
MS thesis. Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, 1996. Google Scholar11. Chang, E. and Ziliaskopoulos, A. Data Challenges in Development of a Regional Assignment: Simulation Model to Evaluate Transit Signal Priority in Chicago. In Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation ...
In South Togo, the main water resource is the continental terminal (CT) aquifer, part of the coastal sedimentary basin (CSB). However, previous studies have evidenced increasing pollution due to the continuous development of anthropic activities resulting from population growth during the last decades...
Columbus, Ohio, USA, 23-26 August 2015 Edited bySimona Onori Pages 1-470 (2015) Download full issue Previous vol/issue Next vol/issue Actions for selected articles Select all/Deselect all Download PDFs Export citations Show all article previewsShow all article previews ...
The City of Columbus (City) has operated an outdoor aerated static pile biosolids composting facility since 1980. It currently processes 27.5 dry tons per day. The City recently completed a Functional Revision Study to prioritize future improvements needed to increase its capacity to 50 dry tons ...
To reduce sewer overflows and to develop long-term capacity planning, the powerful combination of representative rainfall with flow monitoring is helping Columbus prepare for their new direction in wet-weather system planning. Rainfall-derived inflow and infiltration (RD/II) determination and continuous...
MS thesis. Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, 1996. Google Scholar11. Chang, E. and Ziliaskopoulos, A. Data Challenges in Development of a Regional Assignment: Simulation Model to Evaluate Transit Signal Priority in Chicago. In Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation ...
Spatial autocorrelation (SA) is also a focus of interest in transportation planning, but has been neglected in analyzing job accessibility in metropolitan areas. In this study, GIS-based job accessibilities by walking, transit, and car are computed for the metropolitan area of Columbus, Ohio, ...
The Ohio State University.Foroutan, Pirouz. 2003. "An Agent-based Modeling of Raccoon Rabies Epidemic and its Economic Consequences," Doctoral Dissertation, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Available at Last accessed ...