所以本文从最最基本的一个动机开始讲起。 模型预测控制(model predictive control)顾名思义有三个主要部分构成,1模型;2预测;3控制(做决策),我们只要理解这三个部分和它们之间的关系即可。 1 模型,模型可以是机理模型,也可以是一个基于数据的模型(例如用神经网络training 一个model出来) 2 预测,建立模型的目的是...
Model Predictive Control 在 stage k 当前状态为 x_k step 1: 求解(3)-(6)所构成的优化问题。 step 2: 令 \left\{ u_k,u_{k+1},...,u_{k+l-1} \right\} step 1中得到的最优解,将 u_k 作用到动态系统,将 \left\{ u_{k+1},...,u_{k+l-1} \right\} 的解丢掉。 step 3:...
地点: 线下会场:主楼3楼,A303教室 Model Predictive Control for Power Converters and Drives Abstract In the last decades, the application of fast modern microcontrollers has been continuously growing, allowing the development and impl...
参数控制范围(Control horizon):我们甚至可以选择使控制范围与预测范围相同。但是请注意,通常只有前几对控制动作会对预测的输出行为产生重大影响。选择控制范围的一个好的经验法则是将其设置为预测范围的10%到20%,至少包括2-3个步骤。 Control horizon 软约束与硬约束:建议将输出约束设置为软约束,并避免对输入和速率...
Model predictive control (MPC) is an optimal control technique in which the calculated control actions minimize a cost function for a constrained dynamical system over a finite, receding, horizon. At each time step, an MPC controller receives or estimates the current state of the plant. It then...
In this series, you'll learn how model predictive control (MPC) works, and you’ll discover the benefits of this multivariable control technique.
In subject area: Engineering Model Predictive Control is an advanced model-based control scheme employing an explicit system model to predict future system outputs over a pre-defined horizon. From: Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety of Technical Processes 2006, 2007 ...
Model Predictive Control_牛津大学课件.pdf,ModelPredictiveControl,orMPC,isanadvancedmethodofprocesscontrolthathasbeeninuseintheprocessindustriessuchaschemicalplantsandoilrefineriessincethe1980s.Modelpredictivecontrollersrelyondynamicmodelsoftheprocess,CON
Model Predictive Control (MPC) is a set of computer control algorithms which use a process model to predict the future response of a process. From: Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 2011 About this pageSet alert Also in subject areas: ...
MPC(Model Predictive Control): MPC 是一种基于模型的控制方法。它的核心思想是在每个控制周期内,基于当前的系统状态和预测模型,预测未来多个时刻的系统行为,然后通过优化未来一段时间的控制输入序列来最小化某种代价函数,通常是跟踪误差或能量消耗。尽管 MPC 预测多个时刻的控制输入,但它只实施当前时刻的输入,并在下...