1.2 contribution 划分了两类model-based deep learning 第一类包括DNN,其架构专门用于使用基于模型的方法解决特定问题,这里称为模型辅助网络。 第二类,我们称之为DNNaided推理,由基于模型的算法进行推理的技术组成,该算法的操作由深度学习工具增强。这种与模型无关的深度学习工具的集成允许人们使用基于模型的推理算法,同时...
model-based deep learning 概述及解释说明 1. 引言 1.1 概述 深度学习作为一种机器学习方法,已经在各个领域取得了显著的成就。传统的深度学习方法主要依赖于大量标注的数据进行训练,从而提取出有效的特征表示。然而,这些方法在面对缺乏标签或样本稀缺的问题时表现不佳。因此,基于模型的深度学习方法应运而生。 1.2 ...
MBMF-Neural Network Dynamics for Model-Based Deep Reinforcement Learning with Model-Free Fine-Tuning Motivation model-freeRL的通病:样本复杂度极高,需要极大量的样本才能获得好的表现。传统的model-based方法为了获得良好的样本效率通常使用简单的函数近似器或贝叶斯模型来抵抗过拟合,以有效地使用少量样本进行学习,但...
1. 我们得到和评价一个 Q-function表示,可以进行有效的连续 domains 的Q-learning; 2. 我们评价几个 naive 的方法来融合学习到的模型 和 model-free Q-learning,但是表明在我们连续控制任务上几乎没有影响; 3. 我们提出将 局部线性模型 和 局部 on-policy imagination rollouts 来加速 model-free 连续的 Q-le...
Neural Network Dynamics for Model-Based Deep Reinforcement Learning with Model-Free Fine-Tuning 发表时间:2018(ICRA 2018) 文章要点:这篇文章提出了一个叫model-based and model-free (Mb-Mf)的算法,先用model based的方法训一个policy,再用model free的方法来fine tune。具体的,先学一个model,然后用...
In the above paper, we propose a technique to combine the power of deep-learning with the model-based approaches. This code suggest how we can use a deep convolutional neural netwrok (CNN) as a regularizer to solve an optimization problem. ...
DANCE: a deep learning library and benchmark platform for single-cell analysis Jiayuan Ding Renming Liu Jiliang Tang Genome Biology(2024) scCompressSA: dual-channel self-attention based deep autoencoder model for single-cell clustering by compressing gene–gene interactions ...
DEEP learningMULTISCALE modelingLEAD time (Supply chain management)PRECIPITATION forecastingOPTICAL flowTIME series analysisAccurate forecast of heavy precipitation remains a challenging task in most deep learning (DL)-based models. This study proposes a novel DL architecture named 'Multi-...
Here, we design a deep reinforcement learning (RL) architecture with an autonomous trading agent such that, investment decisions and actions are made periodically, based on a global objective, with autonomy. In particular, with- out relying on a purely model-free RL agent, we train our trading...
Nature Methods: RhoFold+, Accurate RNA 3D structure prediction using a language model-based deep learning approach - ml4bio/RhoFold