The Vision 21: Community Model Schools Plan in Cleveland, Ohio during 1995--2000 was an effort to raise the scores of students, specifically African-American students in a school district found to have created a segregated school experience. Specifically examined were factors internal and external ...
Proposed to: (1) design a model drug training program specifically for graduate student school psychologists, (2) implement the program on a pilot basis, and (3) demonstrate an approach to evaluate the program's effectiveness. A 26-hour drug education workshop was presented to 12 graduate ...
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD, USA 10Arbovirus Vaccine Research Section, Laboratory of Viral Diseases, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA Received: 11 April 2023 / Accepted: 3 May 2023 References ...
8 School of Engineering and Computer Science, Bern University of Applied Sciences, Biel, Switzerland. 9 Department of Neurology, Clinic for Rehabilitation Münster, Münster, Austria. 10 Karl Landsteiner Institute of Interdisciplinary Rehabilitation Research, Münster, Austria. 11 ...
Department of Radiology and Radiological Science, Center for Image-Guided Animal Therapy, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA Dara L. Kraitchman Department Biomedical Engineering, The Johns Hopkins Whiting School of Engineering, Baltimore, MD, USA Clifford R. Weiss Co...
Currently, he is an associate professor in School of Electrical Engineering at Chongqing University, China. His research interests include power system reliability, parallel computing techniques in power systems. Yudun LI received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Chongqing University, ...
(SchoolofElectronicsEngineering,UniversityofSoongsil,Seoul156—743,Korea) Abstract—Foregroundmoving~iectdetectionisanimportantprocess invariouscomputervisionapplicationssuchasintelligentvisualSill"一 veillance,H[=I,object—basedvideocompression,etc.Oneofthemost successfulm ovingobjectdetectionalgorithmsisbased ∞Adapt...
School networksKnowledge managementSchools have an important role in knowledge development for building community resilience. It is important to involve the community with performing their roles to enhance resilience towards disaster, in order to ensure the sustainability of disaster education. This study ...
To date, no pathogenic mutations causing HCM in rhesus macaques have been reported. However, prior research involving amplicon targeted-sequencing of sarcomeric genes known to harbor human HCM variants in a population of rhesus macaques (n = 94) has been performed, revealing a risk haplotype-...
Journal of School Psychology, 41, 377-395. RAGOZINI, G. and VITALE, MP (2005): L'analisi delladispersione scolastica in italia attraverso i modelli causali. In: A. Spano and P. Clarizia (Eds): Dentroe fuori la scuola. Percorsi di abbandono e politiche di contrasto. In...