Print Plot The response plots can be printed by either selecting the File/Print menu or by utilizing the toolbar. The detailed printing layout is specified in the page setup window. Model Analysis After a model is compiled, the Model Analysis module on the tree structure displays the steady s...
Plot a boosted tree modelfeaturenames
TreeviewControl Trendline Trendlines UniqueValues UpBars UsedObjects UserAccess UserAccessList Validation ValueChange VPageBreak VPageBreaks Walls Watch Watches WebOptions Window Windows Workbook WorkbookClass WorkbookConnection WorkbookEvents WorkbookEvents_ActivateEventHandler WorkbookEvents_AddinInstallEventHandler Wo...
Plot the partitions of a tree model.Markus Loecher
like bellcurve, bullet, columnpyramid, cylinder, dependencywheel, heatmap, histogram, networkgraph, organization, packedbubble, pareto, sankey, series, solidgauge, streamgraph, sunburst, tilemap, timeline, treemap, variablepie, variwide, vector, venn, windbarb, wordcloud, xrange charts and so on...
plot(photomob) plot(photomob, terminal_panel = node_bivplot, tnex = 2) As you see the tree selected five terminal nodes with different parameters. I would recommend that you do some more diagnostics on the model fits in the different nodes because I'm not sure how well all parameters...
like bellcurve, bullet, columnpyramid, cylinder, dependencywheel, heatmap, histogram, networkgraph, organization, packedbubble, pareto, sankey, series, solidgauge, streamgraph, sunburst, tilemap, timeline, treemap, variablepie, variwide, vector, venn, windbarb, wordcloud, xrange charts and so on...
mean((as.numeric(tree.pred) - as.numeric(datanew.test$是否流失))^2) 输出结果 CARTmodel2 将表写进数据库里 sqlSave(channel,result_lossnew11, 变量重要程度 CARTmodel$varmportance 预测用户寿命.天. CARTmodel = rpart(用户寿命.天. ~
Use robot configurations when you want to plot a robot in a figure usingshow. Also, you can get the transformation between two body frames with a specific configuration usinggetTransform. To get the robot configuration with a specified end-effector pose, useinverseKinematics. This algorithm solves...
In order to make predictions for a given pixel of the target data, the values of the predictor and response variables at that pixel are run through each decision tree, and the IDs of the plots that appear in the terminal bucket with it are recorded6,9. The forest plot that is assigned...