ECCE teachers must have a potential support environment that could be useful for inquiry learning. It's just that Paud teachers in Cipayung District, East Jakarta, have not been able to understand the concept of Inquiry Learning nor have they been able to contain the ...
PENERAPAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN INKUIRI UNTUK MENINGKATKANPEMAHAMAN KONSEP BATUAN The conclusions of this research was implementation inquiry learning model can improve undertanding the concept of the stone. Abstrak : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman konsep batuan melalui penerapan model pem...
Self-Confidence Source Type III Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Corrected Model .055a 3 .018 2.701 Intercept 11.404 1 11.404 1665.01 Learning .046 1 .046 6.750 Gender .001 1 .001 .099 Pembelajaran * Learning .010 1 .010 1.490 Error .411 60 .007 Total 11.866 64 Corrected Total .466 ...
In addition, LGM is based on an inquiry into how humans learn. Thus through Generative Learning Model, the knowledge possessed by the student is the result of the activity undertaken by the student and not the passively accepted teaching. 258 Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities ...
Wenning membagi model inkuiri menjadi beberapa level berdasarkan tingkat kecanggihan intelektual siswa dan pusat kendali pembelajaran yang disebut dengan Level of Inquiry (LOI). LOI terdiri dari discovery learning, interactive demonstration, inquiry lesson, inquiry laboratory, real-world applications dan ...
Perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan terdiri dari 6 buah RPP dan 6 buah LKPD berdasarkan tingkatan model levels of inquiry disertai socio-scientific issues, handout, power point, dan soal evaluasi. Diperoleh hasil validitas 6 buah RPP dan 6 buah LKPD, handout, power point, dan soal ...
PENGARUH MODEL PEMBELAJARAN INNOVATIVE TERHADAP CAPAIAN KOMPETENSI STANDAR MAHASISWA DIII GIZI DALAM PENGUKURAN ASUPAN, MONITORING DAN EVALUASI GIZI MAKANANMethods: This is a quasi-experimental study with a model of inquiry learning intervention training and concept models Attainment. Sample size is ...
Based on these results it can be concluded that the Inquiry of indegenous Culture can be used as learning models Regional Cultural Education Courses to enhance the creativity of students. Sustainability of the student competency is learner-SD has the character to Indonesias strong and cultured. ...
p>This research development aimed to develop an education and training model for sociology teachers about inquiry discovery learning aided CD interactive. The steps taken were recognized the potential and problems, formulating design, construct an education and training model and the toolkits, experts ...