Health and illness can be explained by biomechanical aspects of the tensegrity model. The linkage of biology, medicine and technology, following the laws of nature, is fascinatingly new. The tensegrity theory has a special meaning in manual therapy, osteopathy and, in addition, in other ...
Examines the nature of self-regulation as it applies to the enactment of health and illness behaviors. The chapter begins by defining self-regulation. Then a brief historical overview of the factors leading to the development of the common-sense model (CSM) of self-regulation is provided. The ...
Confirmatory factor analyses supported the hypothesis that measures of mental health (i.e., emotional, psychological, and social well-being) and mental illness (i.e., major depressive episode, generalized anxiety, panic disorder, and alcohol dependence) constitute separate correlated unipolar dimensions...
her as his close friend. “He sent me a message telling me that I was a beam of light in his life. Without my company, he felt that he might not have been able to make it through his rough patch.” Zhang Tian said, a hospital escort cares not only for patients' physical health,...
at the Oakhurst Health Research Institutein California found that of those patients who spent half an hour a day watchingcomedy videos, 10 percent had a second heart attack, whereas 30 percent of those who did not watch had a second attack. ...
The common-sense model of self-regulation of health and illness Examines the nature of self-regulation as it applies to the enactment of health and illness behaviors. The chapter begins by defining self-regulation. Then a brief historical overview of the factors leading to the development of the...
Aim : Environmental changes and the implementation of a changed model of clinical care in a Mental Health Inpatient Unit for Older People are described and data are reported on selected outcomes as well as the effects the changes have had on nurses' perceptions. The concept of resilience in thi...
Value:DesiretoavoidillnessortogetwellExpectation:Beliefthataspecifichealthactionavailablewouldpreventillness Value-ExpectancyTheories/ModelsofHealthBehaviorChange Continuum-BasedmodelsBehaviorchangeisacontinuousprocess.Asetofconstructslinearlyexplainsthetargetoutcome(likelihoodofbehaviorchange,intentionetc.)Stage-BasedModels...
BeliefinpersonalhealththreatHealthBehaviourEathealthyBeliefineffectivenessofhealthbehaviour IeatjunkIwillalwaysbeobese PerceivedSeverity Obesepeoplealwaysdieearly PerceivedBenefit IfIeathealthierIwilllivelonger PerceivedBarriers Ienjoyjunkfood..I’maddicted.Cuestoaction Internal:illnessExternal:Media Socialcognitionmodels…...