Translate model into Spanish. English to Spanish translations from the Longman English-Spanish Dictionary.
: to work or act as a fashion or art model Each contestant modeled in front of the judges. 2 : to design or imitate forms : make a pattern The students are modeling in clay. modeler noun or less commonly modeller ˈmäd-lər, ˈmä-dᵊl-ər model...
Look up "model" in other languages French German Italian Russian Spanish Free PONS Apps Our free PONS Online Dictionary is also available for iOS and Android! PONS App Centre My personal vocabulary list (Use to choose an item from the dictionary and to export it to the vocabulary...
and any errors encountered during training. In the context of the Custom Translator, the closest equivalent you might find is the test results that show how well the model is performing after training. Unfortunately, there may not
The meaning of MODEL is a usually miniature representation of something; also : a pattern of something to be made. How to use model in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Model.
Spanish / Español Select a language: gatofelinogatamozocucho CAT [ˈkæt] A.N ABBR 1.=computer-aided teaching 2.=computerized axial tomography→TACm or f 3.=computer-assisted translation→TAOf 4.=College of Advanced Technology
In addition, we make a broad range of hardware platforms, with some models offering a modular design that includes features such as [...] 另外,我们建立了范围广泛的硬件平台,用来提供通用固 件,其中一些型号的固件具 有模块化设计功能,其特性包括无线接口、附 加传统端口和集成智能卡读...
This paper describes the use of a statistical structural N-gram model in the natural language generation component of a Spanish-English generation-heavy hybrid machine translation system. A structural N-gram model captures the relationship between words in a dependency representation without taking into...
Recent advancements in neural language models have been primarily centered around English, with limited focus on the more than seven thousand other languag
Use Django's built-in QuerySet.as_manager() and/or Manager.from_queryset() utilities instead. Add support for Django 1.9. 2.3.1 (2015-07-20) Remove all translation-related automation in Fixes GH-178 and GH-179. Thanks Joe Weiss, Matt Molyneaux, and others for the reports....