Custom COW-HORSE logo designed by Lil' Devil Productions - thanks Chris and Heather! Email them for Custom Designs!This page was last updated on 11/16/07.[ABOUT US] [MODEL HORSES] [SILHOUETTES] [THE REAL McCOY CUSTOM TACK]
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Notes General Information Purpose: Classifier for a variety of concepts, common objects, etc. This model is a great all-purpose solution for most visual recognition needs with industry-leading performance. Architecture: Customized InceptionV2
International Journal of Molecular Sciences Article Differential Expression of miRNAs and Behavioral Change in the Cuprizone-Induced Demyelination Mouse Model Seung Ro Han 1,2,†, Yun Hee Kang 1,2,† , Hyungtaek Jeon 2, Suhyuk Lee 2, Sang-Jin Park 3, Dae-Yong Song 3, Sun Seek Min 4...