Vasseur, "Feature subset selection applied to model-free gait recognition," Image and Vision Computing, vol. 31, no. 8, pp. 580-591, 2013.Dupuis, Y.; Savatier, X.; Vasseur, P. Feature subset selection applied to model-free gait recognition. Image Vis. Comput. 2013, 31, 580-591....
In this paper, the conditional distance correlation (CDC) is used as a measure of correlation to develop a conditional feature screening procedure given some significant variables for ultrahigh-dimensional data. The proposed procedure is model free and is called conditional distance correlation-sure inde...
MODEL-FREE FEATURE SCREENING FOR ULTRAHIGH DIMENSIONAL DATATHROUGH A MODIFIED BLUM-KIEFER-ROSENBLATT CORRELATION introduce a modified Blum-Kiefer-Rosenblatt correlation (MBKR for short) to rank the relative importance of each predictor in ultrahigh-dimensional regressions... YZL Zhou - 《Statistica Sinica...
This paper proposes a model-free and data-adaptive feature screening method for ultra-high dimensional datasets. The proposed method is based on the projection correlation which measures the dependence between two random vectors. This projection correlation based method does not require specifying a regr...
文档标签: model-free feature screening for ultrahigh-dimensional 系统标签: ultrahigh screening dimensional feature model 超高压 Model-FreeFeatureScreeningforUltrahigh-DimensionalDataLi-PingZHU,LexinLI,RunzeLI,andLi-XingZHUWiththerecentexplosionofscientificdataofunprecedentedsizeandcomplexity,featurerankingandscr...
由于现实世界当中,很难获得环境的转移概率,奖赏函数等等,甚至很难知道有多少个状态。倘若学习算法是不依赖于环境建模,则称为“免模型学习(model-free learning)”,这比有模型学习要难得多。 1. 蒙特卡罗强化学习: 在免模型学习的情况下,策略迭代算法会遇到几个问题: ...
Sepal.Width # 1.731532873 0.276671377 0.009158659 0.005717263 # Interaction statistics including three-way stats (H <- hstats(fit, X = X_train, reshape = TRUE, threeway_m = 4)) # 0.02714399 0.16067364 0.11606973 plot(H, normalize = FALSE, squared = FALSE, facet_scales = "free_y", ncol ...
Model-free control, also called ”intelligent PID”, is based on elementary continuously updated local modeling via unique knowledge of the input-output behavior. The key feature of this approach lies in the fact that the unknown parts of the plant, which might be highly nonlinear and/or time...
没有免费午餐定理(No Free Lunch, NFL) 丑小鸭定理(Ugly Ducking) 奥卡姆剃刀定理(Occam's Razor) 最小描述长度定理(Minimum Description Length) 在讲解这些定理之前,我们先来讲解一个非常重要的概念,维数灾难。 什么是维数灾难呢?先说下对于维数灾难的整体的定义,然后在通过例子来细化定义里面的细节内容。
In this paper, we propose a new model-free SOFLC architecture whereby the performance index table is 'dynamic', of free structure and starting from an empty table. The new proposed architecture includes the required mechanisms to ensure self-organization such as those associated with the ...