Model Engine is a Minecraft plugin that breaks the barrier of entity modeling and allows you to create mod-like models, animate them, and give complete control to its animation. You may have heard of a plugin named ModelAPI, a modeling plugin that requires you to have basic knowledge of ja...
com.huawei.hms.mlplugin.asr Overview Class Summary MLAsrCaptureConstants com.huawei.hms.mlsdk.tts Overview Interface Summary MLTtsCallback Class Summary MLTtsAudioFragment MLTtsConfig MLTtsConstants MLTtsEngine MLTtsError MLTtsLocalModel MLTtsLocalModel.Factory MLTtsSpeaker ML...
A Minecraft plugin which allows you to create mod-like models for your mobs. - Model-Engine-Wiki/ at master · Ticxo/Model-Engine-Wiki
HUAWEI HiAI Engine About the Service Version Change History Getting Started Preparations Android Studio Integration Process Facial Recognition Facial Comparison Service Introduction Development Guide Face Detection Service Introduction Development Guide Face Parsing Service Introduction Developme...
Deploying Ascend Docker (Container Engine Plugin) Log in to the server as the root user. Upload the software package to any directory (for example, /home) on the server. Go to the directory where the software package is stored and grant the ...
UnityEngine UnityEditor UnityEditor.Actions UnityEditor.Advertisements UnityEditor.AI UnityEditor.Analytics UnityEditor.Android UnityEditor.AnimatedValues UnityEditor.Animations UnityEditor.AppleTV UnityEditor.AssetImporters UnityEditor.Build UnityEditor.Callbacks UnityEditor.Compilation UnityEditor.Connect Unity...
UnityEngine UnityEditor UnityEditor.Advertisements UnityEditor.AnimatedValues UnityEditor.Animations UnityEditor.Callbacks UnityEditor.EditorTests UnityEditor.EditorTestsRunner UnityEditor.Events UnityEditor.EventSystems UnityEditor.iOS UnityEditor.MemoryProfiler UnityEditor.Rendering UnityEditor.SceneManagement UnityEd...
When you create a model by using the Microsoft Linear Regression algorithm, the data mining engine creates a special instance of a decision trees model and supplies parameters that constrain the tree to contain all the training data in a single node. All continuous...
There are just so many directions a 3D engine/toolbox can go that I can't say Adobe, I really need it to do this or that. Becuase I have no idea what I would want to use it for in the first place. It's current state is too basic for that. It would make sense to...
The process of importing is simple, just drag the .fbx model resource into the Assets, and wait a moment to complete the import work. After the import is complete, you can see that the imported model resource is an expandable folder in Assets. When importing the model, the editor will au...