Segment topic, alias for self.measure.seg(self.topics). Returns Segmented topics. Return type list of list of pair static top_topics_as_word_lists(model, dictionary, topn=20) Get topn topics as list of words. Parameters model (BaseTopicModel)– Pre-trained topic model. dictionary (Dictiona...
This also applies to response_model_by_alias that works similarly.Python 3.10+ from fastapi import FastAPI from pydantic import BaseModel app = FastAPI() class Item(BaseModel): name: str description: str | None = None price: float tax: float = 10.5 items = { "foo": {"name": "Foo",...
feature: new dump and dumps methods for saving Explainer in a binary form; load and loads methods for loading Explainer from binary form fix: Explainer constructor verbose text bugfix: B:=B+1 - Shap now stores average results as B=0 and path results as B=1,2,... bugfix: Explainer.m...
tags=['tag_1','tag_2'],gender=Genders.Male,flags='test1',extend=ExtendItem(a='a',b=1,c=0.1,d=True))# 将 json string 转化为 model 对象test=Item1.model_validate_json(test.model_dump_json(indent=4))# 将model对象打印成 json stringprint(test.model_dump_json(indent=4))...
要测试数据库是否正常连接,最直接的办法就是在当前控制器中实例化数据表,然后使用 dump 函数输出,查看数据库的链接状态。代码: public function testdb(){ $obj=M("User"); dump($obj); } 此时浏览器输出: object(Model)#5 (20) { ["_extModel:private"] => NULL ...
model_dump() Example Response Using the following query : small-test?title=thisATitle&isMajor=true&array[]=a&array[]=b&array[]=c For the /small-test route, a sample response might look like this: { "title": "thisATitle", "age": 0, "is_major": true, "array": ["a", "b", ...
This is an alias to as_dict(full_restapi_key_transformer, keep_readonly=False). If you want XML serialization, you can pass the kwargs is_xml=True. Python 复制 serialize(keep_readonly=False, **kwargs) Parameters 展开表 ...
show telemetry internal diagnostics : This command attempts to dump all telemetry logs and operational state. When reporting problems, it may be helpful to use this command as close to the problem time as possible and provide the output of the show running-config | ...
var_dump(__METHOD__); $config =$this->getConfig(); $model =newArticleModel($config); $ret = $model->delete($id); var_dump($ret); } 开发者ID:kxopa,项目名称:slimvc,代码行数:8,代码来源:ArticleController.php 示例3: actionView ...
publicfunction__construct($id, $module = null, $redirect = true){parent::__construct($id, $module); $fullname = Yii::app()->user->getState('firstname') .' '. Yii::app()->user->getState('lastname');$this->userHello = $fullname;$this->message ="Hello ". $fullname;$this-...