feat_data=np.array(buffer_feat.as_object(),copy=False)feat_data=feat_data.reshape((-1,len(self.characters)))#CTC解码 sequence=self.decode(feat_data)result={"result":sequence}modelbox.debug(f'result for {self.index}-th image is {result}')self.index+=1# 转为json作为buffer输出 result_s...
Incoming translation from string attempts to decode from the specified date type first, but then also tries all the other types it knows about. Conversion back to string always uses the specified date type. This is the most forgiving date property type....
Logic must also be included to decode the multiple parameters using script in your HTML web resource. The Sample: Passing multiple values to a web resource through the data parameter article demonstrates one approach to address passing multiple parameter values....
Sometimes, a bug in the custom JS causes a script error or functionality problem when loading a page. While this usually produces a call stack in the dialog, it’s hard to always know where it’s coming from or decode the error. Live monitor receives events from the app with more detail...
Intel® Video Processing Library (VPL) is the oneAPI solution for video processing across devices and architectures. Find more about the VPL programming model, its evolution from Intel® Media SDK, new features, and get an overview of a sample decode code....
Hi, thanks for your nicely work. As you say, Yolov4 and Yolov4-tiny int8 quantization have some issues. I will try to fix that. I have a solution to fix this, and below is the code: First, when Convert darknet weights to tensorflow, we s...
这个应用对应的ModelBox版本已经做成模板放在华为云OBS中,可以用sdk中的solution.bat工具下载,接下来我们给出该应用在ModelBox中的完整开发过程: 1)下载模板 执行.\solution.bat -l可看到当前公开的技能模板: PS███>.\solution.bat-l...Solutions name:mask_det_yolo3...single_hand_pose_yolox_mbv2 ...
I decode the output and draw the box with this added the previously posted code: results = compiled_model.infer_new_request({0: input_tensor}) #print(results) num_detected=int(results[3][0]) # get number of objects detected, always seems to be 1 with 2024.3 ...
json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0) Problem: Your TotalSegmentator config.json file was corrupted or was not created correctly. Solution: Delete your.totalsegmentatorfolder in the user's profile (for example inc:\Users\(yourusername)\.totalsegmentator). The...
from .decoding import DecodingOptions, DecodingResult, decode, detect_language from .model import ModelDimensions, Whisper from .transcribe import transcribe from .version import version _MODELS = { "tiny.en": "https://openaipublic.azureedge.net/main/whisper/models/d3dd57d32accea0b295c96e26691aa...