Swift effectA new finite strain elastoplastic J_2-flow model is proposed toward directly simulating cyclic and non-cyclic failure effects of metals. The main novelties of this model are as follows: (1) The usual notion of yielding is rendered irrelevant in a more realistic sense of representing...
not because Sino-Tibetanists still accept the typological classification and/or the racial prejudices which were the run of the mill until the first half of nineteenth century, but because the Sino-Tibetan hypothesis still de-fines a Tibeto-Burman taxon which encompasses all non-Sinitic languages ...
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compgeo.2012.02.010Get rights and content Abstract Fracture data available for one of the rock masses (limestone) in the dam site of Yujian River Reservoir were used to build and validate a stochastic 3-D fracture network model, and to perform a REV and equivalen...
I n t he t w o—dim e nsion al sit ua tion , th e const itu tiv e e — quations of seepag e along th e plane of f issu re expand — ing a r e : q。 = 志, , q2 = kf , ( 2 ) kf = 3 , = P + = P + P . c3 , S ubstituting (2...
Liu et a1.[2】proposed a 3·D constitu tive model to p redict the therm omechanical behavior o f SM Ps .using the terms ‘fr o zen’and ‘rubb ery ’state fo r ref erring to th e material states in temperature ranges of
Determination of material constants for high strain rate constitutiv e model of high entropy alloysThe paper deals with constitutive models determination for a group of high entropy materials (coded Bl-x).The procedure includes the following steps:experimental determination of mechanical characteristics...
equations ,const itutiv e equ ations and energ y equ ations are established. 1 .1 G eo m et ric eq uat io ns D u ring collap se,th e ax ial strain ~ x x is an undeter— mined parameter and assumed constant in th is s ect io n. ...
s more conducive to receiving water than the rest of the field UanSdGwSaisnastgaolloeddloacmatioonnitfoorritnhge msioteni(t0o4ri0n5g05eq1u0i8p3m39en12t.01, hereinafter referred to as EOF site) on this field for oUbSsGerSviinnsgtanlluedtraiemntonloitaodrisnignssituer(f0a4c0e50r5u1n0o83...
(EOC to EVO) : pVn = const 360 pdV IMEPg = 0 V0 IMEPn= IMEPg − PMEP BMEP = IMEPn − FMEP NOx Model NOx= NOxN(N, IMEPn)+δNOx δMFB50, δO2, pIMF qf,inj , NOxN δNOx = a1 × −abs(δMFB50)a2 × sign(δMFB50) + a3δO2 × pIMF qf,inj a4 ×NOxaN5 δMF...