DSGE models attempt to explain aggregate economic behavior, such as growth, business cycles, and monetary and fiscal policy effects, using macroeconomic models derived from microeconomic principles. DSGE models are dynamic; they study how economies change over time. DSGE models are also stochastic; ...
gridonlegend({'Power','Maxima'}) The dominant seasonal components correspond to 6-month and 12-month cycles. Fit Long-Term Deterministic Trend Model By combining the dominant seasonal components, estimated by the spectral analysis, with the linear component, estimated by least squares, a ...
2). The single grating had only one component, which varied in orientation (i.e. small deviations from the vertical axis) and had a spatial frequency of 1.5 cycles per degree. For the compound grating, one component (the target) had a variable orientation around the vertical (the spatial ...
All reactions were run in technical triplicates in a 10 μL reaction volume in a 384-well plate with a Roche LightCycler 480 machine as follows: 50 °C for 2 min, 95 °C for 20 s, then 40 cycles of 95 °C for 1 s and 60 °C for 20 s. Ct values over ...
The following successive cycles start from the analysis phase to the deployment phase (Fig. 1). If maintenance or retirement is required, cycle-back to restudy the alternatives and making decisions, or analyze/reanalyze requirements, as depicted in Fig. 1 and explained below. 4.1.1. Phases ...
Finally, the crack length (a) versus the number of cycles (\(N\)) has been plotted for each of the locations as shown in Fig. 7a, b. In each of these plots, the fatigue life curves have been generated for both the cases—with and without using location-specific material definitions....
The PMP-based MPC strategy is realized with MATLABⓇ/SimulinkⓇ and simulated in the real regional train driving cycles, as shown in Fig. 9. Driving cycle 1 represents the rail track between Aachen and Cologne, with a total distance of 70.2 km and a driving time of 3065 s. In the ...
Mapping Interflow Potential and the Validation of Index-Overlay Weightings by Using Coupled Surface Water and Groundwater Flow Model Interflow is an important water source contributing to river flow. It directly influences the near-surface water cycles for water resource management. This... CF Ni,QD...
This facilitates the efficient execution of very fine grained workflow expressions, which is shown to reduce both application makespan and wasted cycles when using processing elements allocated by a pre-emptive resource manager. Quantitative results are presented based on performance observed in a large ...
(Mayers et al.2016;2014). More interestingly, Spinelli et al. found that breast cancer cells could recycle waste by-products “ammonia” as a source of nitrogen to promote tumor growth (Spinelli et al.2017). One carbon metabolism involves the folate and methionine cycles using nutrients from ...