March 2020 Created sections for love, reach, and gravity Added calculations and example tables for each metric Added Orbit KPIs section Added sections about choosing and distributing orbit levels December 2019 Added orbit levels Improved introduction ...
March 2020–February 2022 (inclusive) are removed from the data as a result. To account for patterns of seasonality that do not correspond with the exact month of travel (e.g. public holidays), the previous and next month are taken into account for the average load factor of any given ...
A model is an informative representation of an object, person, or system. It can be physical, mathematical, or logical. A proper model is a substitute for direct use of, measurement of, and experimentation with a real object, which is usually expensive, time consuming, and inconvenient. A ...
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is very contagious. Cases appear faster than the available Polymerase Chain Reaction test kits in many countries. Recently, lung computerized tomography (CT) has been used as an auxiliary COVID-19 testing approach. Aut
He has also been working as a Sessional academic at the School of IT, Deakin University, since March 2019. He completed his Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science and Engineering) degree from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada (JNTUK), India, in 2017. He is a recipient of ...
A better understanding of various patterns in the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) spread in different parts of the world is crucial to its prevention and control. Motivated by the previously developed Global Epidemic and Mobility (GLEaM) model, this
US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. COVID-19 pandemic planning scenarios. Updated March 19, 2021. Accessed July 27, 2021. 43. Delahoy MJ, Ujamaa D, Whitaker M, et al; COVID-NET Surveillance Team; ...
Human activity recognition (HAR), which aims at inferring the behavioral patterns of people, is a fundamental research problem in digital health and ambien
.gitattributes housekeeping: turn on LFS support March 19, 2019 04:05 .gitignore housekeeping: .NET Core App 2.0 tests & Tests Cleanups (reactiveui#1926) January 24, 2019 13:07 .hgeol adding eol file for mercurial users January 3, 2016 11:07 housekeeping: mov...
cam_cesm2_1_rel_05-Nor - contains the CAM6-Nor code, based on CESM2.1 CAM code. Contains aerotab and further changes as described by Seland et al. 2020, with tags cam_cesm2_1_rel_05-Nor_v1.0.0 -- CAM6-Nor version (NorESM tag release-noresm2.0.1), 18 March 2020 initial ...