CodeofConduct BoardMembersandseniormanagerswill: •actinthebestinterestsof,andfulfilltheirfiduciaryobligationstotheCompany; •acthonestly,fairly,ethicallyandwithintegrity; •conductthemselvesinaprofessional,courteousandrespectfulmannerandnottake improperadvantageoftheirposition; ...
Model code of conduct: protection of academic freedom and the academic community in the context of the internationalisation of the UK HE sectorthe academic community in the context of the internationalisation of the UK HE sector John Heathershaw , John Chalcraft , Andrew Chubb, Andreas Fulda, ...
324. The Model Code of Conduct and the Right to Free Speech There are several electoral offences which are specifically dealt with in law. Obviously, in all these areas, the law will prevail. The residuary areas will give full power to the MCC to operate. Of late, a tendency has develop...
The Model Code of Conduct (MCC) is a set of guidelines issued by the Election Commission of India (ECI) to regulate political parties and candidates prior to elections.
As required by state law, the Pine Tree Board of Trustees has officially adopted the Student Code of Conduct in order to promote a safe and orderly learning environment for every student. We urge you to read this publication thoroughly and to discuss it with your family. If you have any qu...
law journalsexpeditepeer reviewAlthough much commentary covers the peculiar American institution of the student-edited law review, the literature fails to develop detailed norms governing autDodson, ScottHirsch, JacobSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
Code of conduct Apache-2.0 license Security SWIFT (Scalable lightWeight Infrastructure for Fine-Tuning) ModelScope Community Website 中文| English Paper|English Documentation|中文文档 Swift2.x En Doc|Swift2.x中文文档 📖 Table of Contents
Code of conduct License Security CoTracker3: Simpler and Better Point Tracking by Pseudo-Labelling Real Videos Meta AI Research, GenAI;University of Oxford, VGG Nikita Karaev,Iurii Makarov,Jianyuan Wang,Ignacio Rocco,Benjamin Graham,Natalia Neverova,Andrea Vedaldi,Christian Rupprecht ...
The logic here is that if you change the URL structure of your objects, even for something small like correcting a spelling error, you don’t want to have to track down every place that the URL might be created. Specify it once, in get_absolute_url() and have all your other code cal...