§ 1.03. Relationship of [act] to other laws. § 1.01. SHORT TITLE This [act] shall be known and may be cited as the “[name of state] Nonprofit Corporation Act.” § 1.02. RESERVATION OF POWER TO AMEND OR REPEAL The [name of state legislature] has power to amend or repeal all or...
More than one class or series of shares may be designated as “common shares;” however, each must have a “distinguishing designation” under section 6.01(a), e.g., “nonvoting common Model Business Corporation Act Annotated, Third Edition 3 shares” or “class A common shares,” and the...
at the present time, the principal innovations that have been made in the Model Act since it was last published as a complete statute in 1971 in the Model Business Corporation Act Annotated (Second Edition), and the ...
TheofficialtextoftheActwithofficialcomment,statutorycross-references,andextensiveannotationisavailablefromtheABAintheModelBusinessCorporationActAnnotated. 1MODELBUSINESSCORPORATIONACT2000/01/02Supplement,3rdEdition©2003bytheAmericanBarFoundation Thesefilesareprovidedforeducationalandinformationaluseonly,andarenottobepromul...
As they did this, they annotated their whiteboard diagram with the potential threats that they identified and the developer recorded the threats. After a further 10 minutes of discussion, their picture looked like Figure 2.Figure 2. Revised whiteboard diagram...
annotate the model to further indicate that the variable was aligned based on the boundary; andprovide the annotated model for display to a user,the annotated model including information indicating that the boundary was identified, information indicating that the alignment code was added to the code...
A clinically and genomically annotated nerve sheath tumor biospecimen repository. biorxiv 2020. [CrossRef] Rutkowski, J.L.; Kirk, C.J.; Lerner, M.A.; Tennekoon, G.I. Purification and expansion of human Schwann cells in vitro. Nat. Med. 1995, 1, 80–83. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef]...
The Llama-2 and Llama-3 models (e.g., meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-hf and meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct) were fine-tuned using a dataset of annotated customer reviews, reflecting sentiment expressions particular to the South African environment. The fine-tuning was led by a cross-entropy...
Financing Transit Systems through Value Capture: An Annotated Bibliography. Am. J. Econ. Sociol. 2006, 65, 751–786. [CrossRef] 17. Carrol, D.A. Tax Increment Financing and Property Value. An Examination of Business Property Using Panel Data. Urbana Aff. Rev. 2008, 43, 520–552. [...