Model-based embedded software development can make full use of the advantages of model simulation and verification, analyze the correctness of the model intuitively and comprehensively, realize virtual design verification, and promote the deepening of design optimization. Not only can the requirements and...
medical devices, in the order of millions. This is driving the need for embedded software engineers to work at higher levels of abstraction and to move to model-centric development workflows, such as Model-Based Design, defined as ‘The systematic use of models throughout the d...
Learn how you can use a reference workflow with Model-Based Design to develop embedded software that meets certification standards such as ISO 26262, DO-178C, IEC 61508, IEC 62304, EN 50128, and others. The workflow spans engineering activities at the system and software levels following a ...
The AutoFocus modeling language has been under development since 1995, specially aimed at the development of embedded systems, and shares some concepts with UML/RT. Model-based Development Concepts A modeling language—quite similar to a programming language—comprises a set of concepts that are used...
Model Based Design of Embedded Software Model-based development becomes more and more popular in the development of embedded software systems in the car industry. On the websites of tool vendors many success stories can be found, which report of efficiency gains from up to 50%... A Folkesson...
The Modeling and Simulation-Driven Engineering (MSDE) approach relies on simulation-based modeling for developing components of real-time embedded systems. We propose the use of the DEVS formalism for MSDE activities. We present the MSDE of an application using incremental development, seamlessly integr...
This talk presents an overview of the AVL Embedded Software Model-Based Design Platform based on MATLAB and Simulink and highlights some of its best practices and innovative solutions.
This article describes the detailed steps in building a model-based design (MBD) platform around an ARM®-based embedded motor control processor.
Hu, X., Zhuang, Y., Zhang, F.: A security modeling and verification method of embedded software based on z and marte. Comput. Secur. 88, 10615 (2020) Article Google Scholar Varela-Vaca, Á.J., Rosado, D.G., Sánchez, L.E., Gómez-López, M.T., Gasca, R.M., Fernández-...
To effectively and efficiently use a model-based development process, tools must offer integrated system views on several levels of abstraction, and provide useable sophisticated analysis and synthesis techniques. We demonstrate how these features are implemented for the development of embedded systems in...