The algorithms, however, don't take the credibility of user himself into consideration. The paper proposes a ranking model based on user's credit, which takes user's credit as his weight integrated into his rating, and thus information submitted by different users has different effectiveness. ...
Model Development for an Artificial Intelligence-Based NCAA Football Ranking System: Applying the PageRank AlgorithmSeungbak LeeMinsoo KangJaeHyeon ParkHyoJun Yun
In this paper, we propose a method that takes full advantage of the characteristic that association rules can reflect the logic relationships between items in the frequent itemsets for ranking the numbered alternatives. In group ranking, the decision data are usually pairwise comparisons based on fuz...
键入的值必须为 12345678-90ab-cdef-1234-567890bcdefgh 形式的有效 GUID,或有效 RankingModel 对象的实例。 Type:RankingModelPipeBind Position:1 Default value:None Required:True Accept pipeline input:True Accept wildcard characters:False Applies to:SharePoint Server 2010, SharePoint Server 2013...
443).With the assistance of a resident facilitator from Intermediate Technology Development Group (now Practical Action), a group in the drought-prone Chivi district of southern Zimbabwe used wealth ranking in addition to other criteria to identify people who were most vulnerable to drought...
It is mainly recommended to sort items based on PV, UV, and other data [9], where PV is page view. Its advantage is that it has no cold start problem and is suitable for new users. The disadvantage is that it cannot be customized for users. 2.1.2. Collaborative Filtering ...
For this reason, the general efficiency is designed with two natures; 1. input-centered (concentration on the costs) and 2. output-centered (concentration on the incomes). 展开 关键词: optimal value chain data envelopment analysis (DEA) network-ranking models ideal decision making unit DOI:...
If the parent also has branches, then It's also a headquarters.Domestic UltimateThe Domestic Ultimate is a subsidiary within the global family tree which is the highest ranking member within a specific country.Global UltimateThe Global Ultimate is the top most responsible entity within the global ...
manifests the so-calleditem cold-startproblem, since an item can only be recommended after being rated. Moreover, CF is affected by situations of high sparsity, where the number of collected ratings is very small with respect to the total number of possible ratings given by users to items....
The items that make up these variables usually measure the extent to which the brand fits with or reflects the consumer's personality. Ranking next in frequency are variables that measure pleasure linked to consumption, such as "hedonic value" or "pleasure," which appear in 11 studies (6 ...