Ad-HIF-1α treatment enhanced HIF-1α expression following MCAO. (A) In the Sham group, a very low expression of HIF-1α was revealed in cytoplasm of neurons. (B) There were some HIF-1α-positive cells in the brains of rats treated with Ad. (C) There were substantially more HIF-1...
Sci. USA 111, 9115–9120 (2014). 8. Roy, K. et al. The Tlx gene regulates the timing of neurogenesis in the cortex. J. Neurosci. 24, 8333–8345 (2004). 9. Stenman, J. M., Wang, B. & Campbell, K. Tlx controls proliferation and patterning of lateral telencephalic progenitor ...
(a,b) Overexpressing miR-219 in NSCs inhibited cell proliferation (a) and promoted neuronal differentiation (b). BrdU or Tuj1 staining is shown in red and Dapi counterstaining is shown in blue. (c,d) Quantification of BrdU+ cells (c) and Tuj1+ cells (d) in control RNA (C) and miR-...