In my local app, I render panorama images by using a huge sphere and texturing it in a custom shader. The sphere is a unit sphere model from a GLTF json string, and I use its modelMatrix to position it to the current camera's position, and to scale it by camera.frustum.far. This ...
A course on Rakudo and NQP internals, developed by Edument AB. - rakudo-and-nqp-internals-course/eps/6model.eps at master · edumentab/rakudo-and-nqp-internals-course
eInnegrgeyn.eDraulr,inbgotthheRpEeaaknldoad pPerBiDodRs,mhaeaytingcrceaansebtehreegleraidsesdp. aIncegoefnWeraTl,abnodthPRVE. CaonrdrePsBpDonRdminagylyi,ntchreaesceotnhoemgircidalsrpeavceenoufeWanTdalnodadPV. CflourrcetsupaotinodninogflHy,EtSheopeceornatoimonicaarlere5v3e3n1u1.e05an¥dal...
processes Article Model for the Patterns of Salt-Spray-Induced Chloride Corrosion in Concretes under Coupling Action of Cyclic Loading and Salt Spray Corrosion Ruixue Liu 1,2, Huiguang Yin 2, Lianying Zhang 2, Bing Li 2 and Xianbiao Mao 1,* 1 State Key Laboratory for Geomechanics & Deep ...
nTahlley,btuhfefenrosrhmoaulldracdoiuvserofthe strreeestisdnenetisg'habcotuivriitniegs tshheoruelsdidbeenttiaakleunnitnstoasamccuouchnta. sTphoessraibdlieu.sAcdapdtiutiroinngalltyh,ethaectnivoirtimesalorfamdiousst of resAidmenertsic'aanctpiveiotipelse sihs oauplpdrobxeimtakateenlyin2t0o0...