Model 1056 Digital Conductivity Meter Instruction ManualDate, ShipNumber, SerialBy, Calibrated
an escape or escape-attempt with incorporation of the forelimbs) thresholds to 1) a gradually increasing force to the hind paws (using the Analgesy-Meter, no disc weights added; Cat# 37215, Ugo-Basile, Collegeville, PA, USA), and 2) AL-ER latencies...
Keywords: induction drive;robots and manipulators;digital model;finite element method
This peculiarity may reflect the difference in their electronic properties (i.e., conductivity) or more likely, poor electrical contact of these special grains with the substrate and with the rest of the film. Figure 5. (a,b) Surface topography images for an as-fabricated 10 nm Mo film ...
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