If user traffic is not limited, continuous burst data from numerous users can make the network congested. You can configure traffic rate limiting in inbound direction on an interface to limit traffic entering from the interface within a specified range. Configure an interface as an edge interface...
Burst mode, also known ascontinuous shooting mode, allows you to shoot a series of rapid-fire images without stopping. Depending on your camera’s capabilities, you can record 5, 10, 20, or even 60 images per second, and each one offersanotheropportunity to capture a once-in-a-lifetime ...
Here, one needs to note that RPN (simple product of three parameters) is not a perfect representation of risks because these number assignments are subjective and not continuous. Another interesting factor worth noting is that RPN (in its simplest product form, i.e., RPN = S × O × D)...
There is an option to use continuous transmit mode (for either V1 or V2 mode), which helps with receiver frequency synchronization and improves reception. In order to use Horus 4FSK mode on a flight, you will need to request a new Horus 4FSK payload ID in GitHub according to the instruc...
Slug flow is a typical and problematic flow regime in the transportation of oil and gas in offshore and subsea engineering, due to the time-space varying fraction and density of fluids and to the continuous fluctuation of pressure (Thaker and Banerjee, 2015; Al-Ruhaimani et al., 2018; Baba...
Ceratobranchial I continuous with the planum hypobranchiale, bearing a tall and medially curved processus anterior branchialis. Ceratobranchials II and III are free from the planum and IV fused is in contact with planum hypobranchiale. Processus branchialis present at CB II and III, not ...
and multi-level systems of innovation (also following different levels of aggregation). The popular and powerful concept of the national innovation system is being chronically challenged by continuous and ongoing processes of supranational and global integration. Conceptually unlocking the national innovation...
number of photons and the system could be useful to explore more fundamental questions, such as manifestations of the quantum behaviour of the laser source and how the optical pulse evolves from white light to the coherent regime in the Fourier limit. Pulses of duration under 0.3 ns were not ...
A continuous-wave actively modelocked laser produces a train of pulses at a repetition rate in the range of 80–250 MHz and energy of a few nJ. If more energy is required, a pulse selected from the train can be amplified in a regenerative amplifier to reach a few mJ, as described in...
[63]. When a propagating engineered fracture encounters pre-existing fractures, the propagating fracture may directly cross, or be arrested or offset cross, the encountered fracture, depending on the hydromechanical properties of both the rock matrix and the fractures. A series of hybrid tensile-...