0A 不可用网关路径 与网关一起使用,指示网关不能为处理请求分配输入端口至输出端口的内部通信路径。通常意味着网关是错误配置的或过载的。 0B 网关目标设备响应失败 与网关一起使用,指示没有从目标设备中获得响应。通常意味着设备未在网络中。
当你在使用modbus_tk库进行Modbus通信时遇到modbusinvalidresponseerror: response length is invalid错误,这通常意味着Modbus从设备返回的响应数据长度与主设备期望的长度不匹配。以下是一些可能的解决步骤和考虑因素: 检查Modbus通信的响应长度是否符合协议要求: Modbus协议对每种功能码和请求的数据量有明确的响应长度要求...
iflen(response)<3: raiseModbusInvalidResponseError,"Response length is invalid %d"%(len(response)) (self._response_address,)=struct.unpack(">B",response[0]) ifself._request_address!=self._response_address: raiseModbusInvalidResponseError,"Response address %d is different from request address %d...
Modscan32报..Modscan32报错,求助!!Received Invalid Response to MODBUS Query什么数据都读不上来这个警报是指什么呀?需要怎么解除?
expected_length=-1, write_starting_address_fc23=0, number_file=None, pdu="", returns_raw=False 此方法基本上算该模块的核心,无论是读写线圈、还是读写寄存器等都是调用该方法。 接下来其代码体的具体实现,我们将开始进行逐行分析: is_read_function =Falsenb_of_digits =0ifnumber_fileisNone: ...
Response Length Error The CRC/LRC check is ok but the response length is not the expected one. CRC Error The CRC value of the received response is not correct. Write Error This is an error reported by the serial driver. This could happen if a USB/RS232/485 converter is used and the ...
and is asked to return register values. 0x02 Illegal data The data address received in the query - address is not an allowable address for slave node. Specifically, the combination of the reference number and transfer length is invalid. For a controller with ...
(bluefox) Added error message if the response length is invalid 6.3.2 (2024-08-29) (bluefox) Corrected the error with alignment of addresses 6.3.0 (2024-08-28) (Apollon77) Fix Timeout management to prevent leaking memory (bluefox) Added information about connected clients in the server mode...
6 Slave Device Busy 7 Negative Acknowledge 8 Memory Parity Error 80 Response Timeout 81 Invalid CRC 82 Invalid Argument Length 83 Invalid Device Address 87 Invalid Target Type 88 Invalid Values 89 Invalid Quantity License The Modbus485Master library is licensed under the MIT License.Dev...
3: Invalid quntity 4: Response timeout 5: Frame error 6: CRC error 7: Unknown communication error 8: Unexpected unit ID in response 9: Exception response 10: Unexpected function code in response 11: Unexpected response length 12: Unexpected byte count in response ...