This error code is not seen often. To analyse what the reason in your case might be, more information on your slave device is needed. One possibility is that you try to write into a write protected area of the slave (I have seen this reaction on a device). Regards, Ulrich Kaemmerer ...
Error class,即错误类型,其错误代码对应意思如下表: 12 - 14 字节: Error code,即错误码,其具体意思参考附录一:错误码具体含义 以上为 header 的全部内容,而 S7comm 协议的Parameter 部分与Data 部分,则是根据header 中PDU type的功能码的不同、协议扩展(Userdata)的内容不同而变得不同。这里仅对 PDU type ...
ip, slave_port))# 构建Modbus请求数据包request = bytearray([function_code, # 功能码register_address >> 8, # 寄存器地址高位register_address & 0xFF, # 寄存器地址低位register_count >> 8, # 寄存器数量高位register_count & 0xFF # 寄存器数量低位])# 发送Modbus请求s.send(request)# 接...
if (error_code != MB_MRE_NO_ERR) { error_count++; } } } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 此时的波特率为115200,然后就出现了如下的现象,检测主机发送间隔大于1s,从机回应及时且数据正确,但主机就是反馈错误代码3(表示接收数据错误)。
error code=function code + 0x80 exception code=01, 02, 03, 04, etc(依照发生错误的原因) CRC校正码 1-4 error response 1-5 Table of exception codes 2 Modbus重点内容 2.1 Modbus暂存器 2.1.1 暂存器种类 Modbus其中一重要的概念是暂存器,不同地址的暂存器存放着不同数据类型型与读写特性得资料,而...
Checksum error.jpg 61.4 KB Views: 14 function code heatpump.jpg 149.8 KB Views: 12 MODBUS data respons.jpg 303.5 KB Views: 8 modbus exception respons from slave.jpg 71.7 KB Views: 11 Schermafbeelding 2023-09-25 152340.jpg 71.7 KB Views: 9 register data.jpg 258.5 KB Views: 9 ...
(reply->errorString()). arg(reply->rawResult().exceptionCode(), -1, 16), 5000); } else { statusBar()->showMessage(tr("读取响应错误: %1 (编码: 0x%2)"). arg(reply->errorString()). arg(reply->error(), -1, 16), 5000); } reply->deleteLater(); } //写数据 void MainWindow...
requestsconsole.log("ModbusTCP listening on modbus://");constserverTCP=newModbusRTU.ServerTCP(vector,{host:"",port:8502,debug:true,unitID:1});serverTCP.on("socketError",function(err){// Handle socket error if needed, can be ignoredconsole.error(err);});...
* @throws ErrorResponseException 异常 */publicstaticBooleanreadCoilStatus(ModbusMaster master,int slaveId,int offset,String dev_code){// 01 Coil StatusBaseLocator<Boolean>loc=BaseLocator.coilStatus(slaveId,offset);try{returnmaster.getValue(loc);}catch(Exception e){if(e.getMessage().equals("java...