Complete the sentences with the correct answer from a, b, c or d: . 1) They ___ the sea from their hotel room. could saw can see could to see can sees 2) We ___ inside the cathedral because it was closed. could gone can
Feel free to discuss any bug fixes/features in the issues. If you wish to work on this project: Fork the project Create your feature branch (git checkout -b new-feature-branch) Commit your changes (git commit -am 'add new feature') Push to the branch (git push origin new-feature-...
Speaking of unhappy, last night Kristen called and told me she was planning to quit school. I think she could be talk out of it, but I’m afraid I’ll get angry and yell if we discuss it. I might overheard by others. We need some privacy here!
In this section I scrutinize the range of expressions and contexts for which the SQ effect can emerge. First, in Section 2.1, I show this effect can apply to various content parts of quoted expressions. Then, in Section 2.2, I discuss limits of felicity of scare-quoting, as well as its...
You had your chance... but you lost it. Now you have the chance to learn how to talk about lost opportunity in English! Master the usage of the modals could, should, and would. Learn how native speakers use these three modals to talk about what they coul
dake”),itsscopew.r.t.themodalisambiguous.Thisphenomenonhas beenattributedtoQRofdake-phrase(Shoji1986,Harada&Noguchi 1992).TheQRapproach,however,isproblematic,boththeoreticallyand empirically.Ontheotherhand,inatheoryofverbmovementsuchas Cross-LinguisticSemantics(XLS;Bittner1994etc.),themovementof ...
I neg hear.ind.aor.1sg ever discuss.inf this magician ‘I have never heard of this magician’ (Roccaforte, TNC 9.10) (4) Egò éχo mía lleḍ̣ḍ̣̣á […] pu šéri kámi túnda prámata. I have a sister who know.3sg do.inf these things ‘I have a sister who ...