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Today I have uploadedModal Verbs of Obligation (must/have to, mustn’t ), Possibility (may/might/could) and Deduction (must and can’t).I have gathered together Grammar and Exercises for apre-intermedite level. Hope it is as helpful to you as it is to me. Now, I can safely take t...
English Modal Verbs TableModal verb Usage Example can ability I can do several things at the same time. when something is possible Miracles can happen. permission You can go now. informal requests Can you come here for a minute? could past form of "can" She said she could pay for us ...
You can do this quiz online or print it on paper. It tests some of the material covered on the Modal Verbs of Deduction page in our grammar section.1. A deduction is a logical conclusion based on facts and misinformation prejudice evidence 2. "Harry must be hungry after not eating all...
The modal verbs in English grammar are can, could, may, might, must, need not, shall/will, should/ought to. They express ability, permission, possibility, obligation etc. Learn about the usage of modal verbs and their alternative forms in English grammar
Modal verbs cannot be used interchangeably because they have different meanings and connotations. In this lesson, we will learn how modal verbs are used differently and why they cannot be switched. We will also see in which cases they have very similar m
EnglishClub : Learn English : Grammar : Verbs : Modals : should : Quiz should QuizYou can do this grammar quiz online or print it on paper. It tests what you learned on the should page.1. You should ___ smoking. to stop stop not 2. What do you think I ___ do? should should...
EnglishClub : Learn English : Grammar : Verbs : Modals : would : Quiz would QuizYou can do this grammar quiz online or print it on paper. It tests what you learned on the would page.1. I knew he would ___ famous one day. to be be will 2. He said that ___ help me. he'...