Modal verbs don't have past, perfect or future tenses like regular verbs do. 情态动词不像普通动词那样有过去、完成或将来时态。 There are some cases where this isn't 100% true. 在某些情况下,这不是100%正确的。 For example, 'could' is the past tense of 'can' in some cases. 例如,在某...
Try to think of modal verbs as the linking verbis.Don’t change them into the present, future, or past form. Modal verbs do not require these suffixes to show a verb tense. For example: Incorrect: I canned climb trees when I was young. Correct: I could climb trees when I was young....
modal-verbs future-tense. Featured on Meta More network sites to see advertising test Related 25 In-depth explanation of the difference between "will" and "going to"? 17 How can I say "can" in the future form? 5 Does 'will' *really* mark future reference? 2 Does the...
2 About the use of future tense 17 "going to" vs "will" 6 Question about the future “tense” 3 'future in the future' tense in English? 0 Modal verb “will” to describe a present situation 1 Which verbs can be used in simple present tense for scheduled future events? Sourc...
GRAMMAR: MODAL VERBS Explanations and examples Practice exercises Ability : can/ could/ be able to (=saying whether you are able to do something) If you want to say whether someone is able to carry out an action, use can. e.g. Guy can speak Russian. ...
The formula for modal verbs in the present perfect tense is: could/might/should/would + have + [main verb past participle]. I might have gone to the party, but I forgot. Future tenses Because the simple future, future continuous, future perfect, and future perfect continuous tenses of main...
Modal verbs have only one form. (They do not change for person or tense). The verbs that immediately follow them are always in the base form, even for third person singular or in the past. (This is also true of ‘do,’ but not of other helping verbs.) ...
However, we commonly use can or could , even when are talking about specific occasions, with verbs of the senses, feel, hear, see, smell, taste, and verbs of ¨thinking〃, believe, decide, remember, understand. e.g. I canˇt decide where to go for my holiday. We donˇt use be...
modal-verbs future-tense semi-modals will-vs-going-to. Featured on Meta Upcoming initiatives on Stack Overflow and across the Stack Exchange network... Linked 6 Using "will" vs "be going to" 2 Which future tense is better? 1 what is the difference between "going to" and "wi...
Modal Verbs 1. Modal verbs do not take "-s" in the third person. Examples: Hecanspeak Chinese.(not:Hecan speaks…) Sheshouldbe here by 9:00.(not:Sheshouldbes…) 2. Use "not" to makea modal verbnegative, even in Simple Present and Simple Past. Examples: Heshouldnotbelate. They...