The meaning of MODAL AUXILIARY is an auxiliary verb (such as can, must, might, may) that is characteristically used with a verb of predication and expresses a modal modification and that in English differs formally from other verbs in lacking -s and -ing
We must get together soon for lunch. Grammar Point modal verbsTopics Suggestions and adviceb1 Word Origin Idioms if you must (do something) used to say that somebody may do something but you do not really want them to ‘Can I smoke?’‘If you must.’ It's from my boyfriend, ...
Modal Verbs: In this article, you will learn what modal verbs are and how they are used as auxiliary verbs. Check out the list of modal verbs examples and the practice exercise for a better understanding.
so you can usually find them by looking for the root form of a verb preceded by a verb or phrase that is working with it to modify the meaning of a sentence. Remember that modal verbs can also be used in the negative.
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