$(document).ready(function(){// 检测是否有新公告 checkForNewAnnouncement(); function checkForNewAnnouncement() { $.ajax({ url: '/api/announcements/latest', success: function(data) { if (data.new) { // 显示新公告 $('#announcement-dialog').jqm({ onShow: function() { // 动态加载公告...
检查angular.json文件,确保脚本数组中包含Jquery js文件。第一个月 然后在组件TS文件中声明var $,而不...
Now after the modal has been developed it is really moment for developing the element or elements which we are going to use to launch it up or else in shorts-- create the modal show up ahead of the audiences once they choose that they need to have the data brought inside it. This usu...
modal:true, overlay:40, onShow:function(h){ h.w.fadeIn(500);}, onHide:function(h){ h.o.remove(); h.w.fadeOut(500)}}).jqmAddClose("#close");jQuery("#show").click(function(){jQuery("#pop").jqmShow();});}); .jqm()初始化遮罩,modal:true时,一直显示遮罩层。overlay为遮罩程度...
hello, im trying to show photo when i click a button like data did. this is my view @foreach ($users as $user) {{$user->name}} id }}" da
.removeClass('in')//jQuery方法,将弹出框隐藏,并将div的class去in$.support.transition&&this.$element.hasClass('fade') ?hideWithTransition.call(this) : hideModal.call(this) } 其实跟show方法差不多,主要是给show擦屁股,进入hideModal方法 functionhideModal( that ) {this.$element ...
$('#exampleModal').on('show.bs.modal',function(event){varbutton=$(event.relatedTarget)// Button that triggered the modalvarrecipient=button.data('whatever')// Extract info from data-* attributes// If necessary, you could initiate an AJAX request here (and then do the updating in a call...
$modal.show(); $overlay.show(); }; The open method accepts an object of our settings. It can contain three properties: content, width, height. Content can be text, HTML, or an element/jQuery object. We append the data from settings.content to #content, and give #modal a width and ...
(es) to the close tag.showClose:true,// Shows a (X) icon/link in the top-right cornermodalClass:"modal",// CSS class added to the element being displayed in the modal.blockerClass:"modal",// CSS class added to the overlay (blocker).// HTML appended to the default spinner during...
on('show.bs.modal', function (event) { var button = $(event.relatedTarget) // Button that triggered the modal var recipient = button.data('whatever') // Extract info from data-* attributes // If necessary, you could initiate an AJAX request here (and then do the updating in a call...