Open modal for @getbootstrap New message
| - | - | - modal-footer bootstrap 中对于不同大小的模态框做了相关定义: -lg:900px; -md:600px; -sm:300px;
Open modal for @mdo Open modal for @fat Open modal for @getbootstrap Copy Open modal for @mdo Open modal for @fat Open modal for @getbootstrap
Example $("#myModal").modal() Try it Yourself » Modal Options Options can be passed via data attributes or JavaScript. For data attributes, append the option name to data-, as in data-backdrop="". NameTypeDefaultDescriptionTry it ...
Open modal for @mdoOpen modal for @fatOpen modal for @getbootstrap Open modal for @mdoOpen modal for @fatOpen modal for @getbootstrap
Open modal for @mdo Open modal for @fat Open modal for @getbootstrap Copy Open modal for @mdo Open modal for @fat Open modal for @getbootstrap
v-b-modal VBModal bootstrap-vue Example: import { VBModal } from 'bootstrap-vue' // Note: Vue automatically prefixes the directive name with 'v-' Vue.directive('b-modal', VBModal) Importing as a Vue.js plugin CHANGED in 2.0.0-rc.22 Importing plugins has been simplified. This plugin...
In addition to the standard bootstrap options, you now have access to the following options Modal widthSet the initial width of the modal. heightSet the initial height of the modal. maxHeightSet the max-height of the modal-body. loadingToggle the loading state. ...
dialog.modal({ backdrop:false}); }); } 子页面modal ×
Link for jquery :[Go to JS and copy all the links and paste it in index.html] Your bootstrap modal will work perfectly fine Why your modal didn't work : Until and unless we add jquery our bootstrap modal will not work ...