mod_verto 前一阵,我们讲了mod_rtc。mod_rtc是一个纯媒体的模块,目的是为了支持WebRTC。然而,任何的通信都需要一定的信令支持,mod_verto就是配合mod_rtc的信令模块。 众所周知,WebRTC从诞生的第一天起就只定义了媒体的交互和传输,而把信令留给大家自己实现,以便有更大的自由度。最初,大部分WebRTC的例子都是基...
mod_verto is the signaling protocol. It depends onmod_rtcfor media streaming services. mod_verto was introduced into the version 1.5 development branch of FreeSWITCH and is undergoing heavy development in the Master branch. Please see theCommunitypage for ways to participate in the development and...
如果mod_verto出现直接挂断的情况,代表3500端口可能不存在,可以安装一下3500会议室 # 安装官方自带的例子makesamples 4、拨打WebRTC出现USER_NOT_REGISTERED 如果我们使用软电话拨打WebRTC出现USER_NOT_REGISTERED,其实是因为我们没有设置拨号计划,需要在dialolan/default.xml转接: <extensionname="HTML5 Verto"><conditio...
I actually believe this is an issue with Safari and maybe not with Freeswitch, but I can't fully confirm at this time. Plus I'm running FS 1.6.20 and currently unable to test against a recent release. Authentication is fine. Calling any ...
2、由于要视频所以要编译源码的mod_av模块 首先确保你安装了freeswitch文件 vimmodules.conf# 去掉mod_av 前面的#make install mod_verto 3、安装完成后默认路径在/usr/local/freeswitch cd/usr/local/freeswitch 添加视频编码 Vim conf/vars.xml # 修改为如下配置<X-PRE-PROCESScmd="set"data="global_codec_...
产品包装上的语言依然大部分是英文,Tt eSPORTS Verto游戏耳机核心亮点有4个,分别是兼容移动设备、自适应头梁设计、超大尺寸耳罩和线控,核心点上没有包含有声道、音频等的信息,Verto推崇的是外观设计无疑。 产品参数: 内托采用比较普遍使用的吸塑处理。 Tt eSPORTS Verto另外兼容移动设备,除了标配了标准3.5mm接口线和适...
mod_verto is the signaling protocol. It depends onmod_rtcfor media streaming services. mod_verto was introduced into the version 1.5 development branch of FreeSWITCH and is undergoing heavy development in the Master branch. Please see theCommunitypage for ways to participate in the development and...