This will extract the NCA file into a folder called botw. This is where all of the data you will need will be stored.2.2 Extracting Update Data from a NAND dumpThis part is probably the hardest, as it requires you to have a NAND Dump of your switch that contains your update data for...
As a Nintendo game only available on Switch and Wii U consoles,Zelda: Breath of the Wilddoesn't have as big of a modding community as PC titles do. Despite this, fans have been able to get very creative with theirBOTWmods over the years, adding in characters from previousZeldagames, mak...
Because both The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker and The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess have already been remade for the Wii U, it's expected that those games would be part of the package if a Zelda 3D All-Stars were to come true.Related: Why Breath of the Wild's Minimal Music ...
《塞尔达传说:旷野之息》PC日文免安装版[日版] 下载 《塞尔达传说 原野之息》欧版wiiu版 下载 《塞尔达传说 原野之息》日版wiiu版 下载 《塞尔达传说 原野之息》美版wiiu版 下载 系列游戏 塞尔达传说:风之杖HD 塞尔达传说:天空之剑HD 塞尔达传说:王国之泪 塞尔达传说:织梦岛 塞尔达无双:灾厄启示录 ...
BCML: BOTW Cross-Platform Mod Loader A mod merging and managing tool forThe Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Purpose Why a mod loader for BOTW? Installing a mod is usually easy enough once you have a homebrewed console or an emulator. Is there a need for a special tool?
Now, The Legend of Zelda has been an amazingly nice game since it came to the new console, but it's not a dedicated Switch game, as it first appeared today as a Wii U game. Fortunately, there are mothers out there who are always looking to improve things, and The Legend o...
任天堂Wii U的模拟器CEMU最近不断取得突破,前阶段刚刚为《塞尔达传说:荒野之息》加入了21:9的输出比例,现在又在最新模组的支持下移除了30fps的帧数上线,可以让玩家以60fps的流畅度进行游戏。 小组成员们Xalphenos表示,这个mod模组并不能改善游戏的画面质量,而且如果此前就能达到稳定帧数的话,现在也看不到额外的性...
地址:网页链接 密码:botw 08月中旬,下载到外国玩家公开分享了7050的缓存,实测基本跑了全图。 09.19 缓存8528,过了四神兽、盖侬 821043 入江闪闪吧 发条小松鼠 【游戏攻略】《塞尔达传说:荒野之息》PC模拟指南+简体中文汉化《塞尔达传说:荒野之息》(The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild),是由任天堂游戏公司...
塞尔达传说:旷野之息(The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild)玩家评分 8.2 类型:角色扮演 平台: Switch Wiiu 发售: 2017-03-03(Switch) 制作:任天堂 发行:任天堂 语言:简中 | 繁中 | 英文 标签: 奇幻 艺术 剧情 开放世界 塞尔达系列 TGA年度最佳 IGN10分 金摇杆奖年度最佳 子弹时间 ...