ClickMobs is a simple quality of life mod/plugin that allows you to pick up any mob into your inventory and carry them around. Features Pick mobs up into your inventory by shift + right clicking them. Place them back by placing the mob head. Place the mobs directly into boats, minecart...
In Control! (by McJty) Industrial Foregoing (by Buuz135) InfinityLib (by InfinityRaider) Instrumental Mobs (by Mrbysco) Integrated Dynamics (by kroeser) Integrated Tunnels (by kroeser) Integration Foregoing (by Jackyy) Inventory Pets (by Purplicious_Cow_) ...
Be prepared to face strong mobs that can cause death quickly if you play without any strategy. Facing them with better gear will make life easier once you progress but until then light up your base - there are plenty of options available from Chisel, Project Red, Ztones and Floodlights....
It uses minecraft build in scoreboard so you can join a team too. Mobs in same team can't hurt each other if friendlyfire is off. Mob Equip: Makes mob able to pickup items without manually giving it to them. Extended Spawnegg: Mimiks a normal spawnegg. Naming that spawnegg will spaw...
Infernal Mobs Forge 增加了稀有的生物,它们会在游戏中随机生成,它们就像附魔的武器,它们有不同的种类、技能,生命、攻击力、防御力其他数值也比普通的生物要高,使它们更难杀掉,它们也更值得杀,它们会掉落4倍的经验,掉落也会加倍,它们还会掉落更多的物品,在配置文件中更改. 通用 查看 IngameInfo Forge,bspkrsCore 显...
Carry On allows you to pick up Tile Entities and Mobs and carry them around! Storage Utility Technology 75.6 M The Twilight Forest by Several People... A realm basked in mystery and eerie twilight, you will overpower terrifying creatures and secure the adventure of a lifetime; in the Twili...
You can become the hero of your own story in a world that offers endless opportunities to explore, conquer and create. MC Eternal There are challenges aplenty in the MC Eternal Minecraft Modpack. With hardcore progression elements, hardcore mobs and beatable bosses galore, this modpack has it...
mc mod服务端 java,java版配置说明属性类型默认值描述allow-flight布尔值false允许玩家在安装添加飞行功能的mod前提下在生存模式下飞行。允许飞行可能会使恶意破坏者更加常见,因为此设定会使他们更容易达成目的。在创造模式下无作用。false-不允许飞行。悬空超过5秒的玩家
navigate yourself on the map with ease, thanks to the added Minimap in Toolbox for Minecraft: PE. Here, you can freely identify all available elements on the map, including yourself, creatures, mobs, terrains, heights, and so on. Thus, making it a lot easier to navigate around the map....
To tame a new mob, you will need some steel ingots. Feed him put, he will follow your orders. To mob began to mine ore, enough to give him a stone pick. How to install Robotic Servant Addons have the following file formats: .mcpack, .mcaddon, .mcworld and ...