14楼2020-12-04 18:09 收起回复 切片杨桃 独角兽 12 【功能性mod冲突可能会导致游戏bug或存档损坏等问题,下载功能性mod前请进行mod排查以及存档备份。】No more autonomous watch guitar 模拟市民不再自主观看别人弹吉他作者:...
两个更改乐器使用空间的mod(MTS) OhRudi Bass needs less Space for playing 贝斯 OhRudi Guitar needs less Space for playing 吉他 住小房子时主控总会跑到户外弹吉他,就是因为室内空间不够,除了换新房子,还可以用这个mod解决 赞(2) ...
23.专题作业: 24.贷款模式: 好可惜没中文! 25.有名气的小人可以回复粉丝的信: 收到偶像寄来的...
版本2 Minor bugs fixed App 隐私 开发者“Bao Chau Do”已表明该 App 的隐私规范可能包括了下述的数据处理方式。有关更多信息,请参阅开发者隐私政策。 未收集数据 开发者不会从此 App 中收集任何数据。 隐私处理规范可能基于你使用的功能或你的年龄等因素而有所不同。了解更多 ...
High schoolers caneasily pass their examsif players help them complete their homework by right-clicking the homework task. For Sims in university, right-click the course icon to change grade values, click the degree icon to change GPAs, and click on suspensions and probations to remove them....
Symptoms: Sims won't eat; Sims reset when doing homework Known Cause: outdated CC, including phone mods Common Issues at Game Updates Some mods are especially sensitive to game updates. Most of these mods that you can temporarily play without with no harm done to your save...
An open-ended arcade management simulator with a twist: you can actually launch and play the games and movies that you spawn. You are spawning REAL existing games and movies. Images can be taken directly form Google (or any other source), videos directly
I just installed the Sims 4 highschool years and I try to click on the food interaction or my sim to do her university homework she freezes in a t pose and it cancels the interaction. Reply 0 + XP Me too #2 Last Hero Post October 2022 Options crinrict Hero @LadySlauson_60 ...
boringbones BRUSH TEETHS BEFORE SLEEP and more(MTS)更好的市民卫生 添加了睡前刷牙,做饭、吃饭前洗手,便后洗手的设定,但是有邋遢鬼特征的模拟市民会忽略这些设定另一个功能是加快以下行为的速度:使用马桶,洗澡,洗手,刷牙,照镜子 赞(2) 回复 momo 楼主 2023-07-26 22:...
boringbones BRUSH TEETHS BEFORE SLEEP and more(MTS)更好的市民卫生 添加了睡前刷牙,做饭、吃饭前洗手,便后洗手的设定,但是有邋遢鬼特征的模拟市民会忽略这些设定另一个功能是加快以下行为的速度:使用马桶,洗澡,洗手,刷牙,照镜子 赞(2) 回应 momo 楼主 2023-07-26 22:...