求助万能的吧友,有一..求助万能的吧友,有一个小地图mod,还带有按B键传送的功能,死了以后会有一个LAST DEATH的标记,这个mod具体叫什么名字?
我炸了啊没有贴图怎么回事 Death 尸鬼子 1-15 10 这个代码可以用吗 兴老公abc If Player dies=summer 1 Zombie {name=亡灵} If summer 1 Zombie {name=亡灵}=give 亡灵 1 minecraft:Bow If summer 1 Zombie {name=亡灵}=summer 3 Zombie {name=亡灵小兵} 本人第一次学JAVA 闲得没事编了个mod ...
027-Underwater Pillar【水下支柱】在远古沙丘的巨型水下支柱,坐标-1262 -181 601。 028-Death Mountain【死亡山脉】绿岛延伸出来的山脉,拥有内部的隧道。 029-New island【新岛屿】在绿岛外部的一个岛屿,上边含有一块残骸。 030-Dunes Trench【远古沙丘岩浆沟】在远古沙丘的一个岩浆湖,并未确定具体位置。 031-Gr...
Death Compass Mod 1.20.5 – 1.19.4. Are you facing the problem in Minecraft to find your last death spot. Well now your problem has been solved through this amazing tool call Death Compass. This tool holds a basic function that it adds a compass in the Minecraft will directs you towards...
重击变拳头 https://mod.io/g/drg/m/punch-animation-for-pickaxe-power-attack 猫猫水蛭音效 https://mod.io/g/drg/m/neco-arc-cave-leech 轰炸蝇直升机音效 https://mod.io/g/drg/m/helicopterhelicopter-sound-mactera-bomber mc地形破坏音效 https://mod.io/g/drg/m/minecraft-terrain-destruction-sou...
Only the ones that tries to selfhost a server on the own computer, for example my serverpack does work on BisectHosting but not if selfhosted with Windows. The pack we are talking about btw: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/deathdusk So if you wanna test yourself I provide ...
Corpse Mod 1.20.5 – 1.19.4 for Minecraft is a mesmerizing modification that solves a long-awaited problem in Minecraft. Basically, players had a lot of issues locating their previous death spot. In this case, they had to search many parts of the world and most of the time they lose the...
无村民死亡信息 No Villager Death Messages Mod由作者“MutantGumdrop”所制作。 默认情况下,每次村民死亡会向控制台记录一条消息。 安装这个模组后,当村民死亡时,不再向控制台上记录村民的死亡信息。 如果不会安装Mod,请点击查看我的世界Mod安装教程。 如发现网盘资源被吞,或者网盘资源不存在,请在下方评论中说明,...
animations but also having the ability to really stretch reality with some extreme options as well. Realistic Block Physics is a realistic overhaul of Minecraft's building mechanics that will add a new sense of challenge and immersion into your worlds. When I say analogies, I dont mean verbal ...
Kiss of Death Byjuqoise Modpacks 30 Description Kiss of Death is a hardcore, realistic, survival modpack focused on surviving a new world of zombies. Features - Extreme Weather - Locational Hit Damage - Overhauled Zombies - New sounds and visualsCurseForge...