[Crafting Recipes Reorder]● Regroups armor recipes based on their material type (e.g. leather helmet, chest and legs are grouped together)● Main categories go in this order: Tools, Torch, Rag Set, Leather Set, Troll Set, Bronze Set, Root Set, Iron Set, Fenrir Set, Silver Set, ...
在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:天际最新的Batch Crafting Recipes,批量制作配方,快速打造弓箭铁矿 Mod,由Urtho制作。1013398517在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧! 详细介绍 Mod作者: Urtho Mod版本: 1.0 Mod大小: 6.05 KB 更新时间: ...
Crafting Recipes Although the Instant Structures Mod (ISM) is a mod for Creative mode, you can easily use it in But now we come to the crafting recipes: Crafting Recipes Overview of the items But what do we need all these blocks and items for? For each item and each block now comes ...
LoM Ore Food Items & Recipes page. Is this compatible with other mods? Yes. Testing 1.19.2 with mods seemed to work fine. Does this mod change vanilla game rules or functionality's? I'd say not really for LoM 1.16.5 BUT... there is a couple of things in the LoM mod that do...
Oil Production Block – A workstation that produces oil over time Forge – Vanilla forge but only for standard iron metal recipes Stone Forge – For crafting stone based recipes like cement Ammo Forge – For crafting ammo based recipes such as bullet tips and casings ...
added crafting, cooking, and furnace recipes which use this item as an ingredient. Added error if game or SMAPI are out of date. 1.2: On item lookup: added crop info for seeds; added recipes for the charcoal kiln, cheese press, keg, loom, mayonnaise machine, oil maker, preserves jar, ...
004-TitaniumIngotDecraftingSN 【钛锭逆向合成】 将钛锭拆分为十个钛矿,功能包含在D-003 005-InventorySize 【自定义背包尺寸】 已被更大背包替代 006-CraftScoolEdit 【多倍制造】 已被B-B009替代,且在我的电脑上不生效 007-FastCraft 【快速建造】 实际上并不起作用 008-CustomItems 【自定义物品包】 与D-...
(IDC) Added a patch that shows perk requirements even if the requirements aren’t met. (IDC) Added a patch that tints the border of food/drink/med items to show how much wellness they give at a glance. (OCBMaurice) Fixed the lawnmower to work with DF crops. ...
实用制作配方(Practical Crafting Recipes) mod | 饥荒联机版 这个mod为游戏添加了一些实用的合成配方,每个配方都可以单独禁用。 配置mod有2-5个选项:简单、普通、困难、更困难和超级困难。 默认配方设置如下: 交换: 科学要求 类别 配方 炼化引擎 精炼 3根木棍 <-> 1根木头 炼化引擎 精炼 1块岩石 <-> 2块燧...
当你按下LSHIFT按钮时,收藏夹列表就会出现(可配置)。 你也可以通过右键点击你的收藏夹列表中的一个配方来删除收藏夹。 你的收藏夹列表会在两个世界之间保存。如果你有一个被收藏的配方,但你还没有在某个世界上制作原型,你会看到一个你需要制作它的站的图标。 你也会看到在你已经预建的结构图标旁边有一个绿色...