1、安装这款GTA5警察MOD需要先安装Script Hook V(GTA5 MOD加载器) 2、将从本站下载的压缩包文件解压,在解压出来的文件夹中找到“GTA5-PoliceMod”文件夹。 3、打开GTA5游戏根目录,将“GTA5-PoliceMod”文件夹中的所有文件全部复制到该目录中并覆盖原文件,最好运行游戏即可。
policemod吧 关注:493贴子:1,021 看贴 图片 吧主推荐 游戏 15回复贴,共1页 <返回policemod吧谁教我弄gta5警察mod我发红包 只看楼主收藏回复 挥刀斩尽 实习警员 1 谁教我弄gta5警察mod我发红包 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2018-07-07 22:34回复 ...
Do you enjoy action-packed movie scenes where the police and military battle criminals, aliens, or even zombies? With this mod, you can bring those intense moments to life! Step into the role of a real Los Santos police officer. While you won't be chasing down those three notorious, chea...
J切换 瞄准时按E逮捕 Shift靠边停车 方向键控制,退格键返回,回车确定 POLICEMOD跟LSPDFR一样好玩 盗...
GTA 5 Police Chase Random Event v1.1 Mod was downloaded 5434 times and it has 10.00 of 10 points so far. Download it now for GTA 5!
Police Mod 2 is the long awaited sequel to the PoliceMod series, and lets you become a officer of the law. This is a early version of PoliceMod 2 and things such as callouts are still work in progress, much is to be added on a weekly basis. Updates will be released on Sunday ever...
5,1035 Police VietNam Car CSGT 1.0 Bybuitan0001 Els Police 紧急 Pack 5.0 4,20330 [ELS] citroenC4 [pack españa] 1.1 ByGTAES_es Volkswagen 紧急 Police 5.0 3,77010 Volkswagen Polo Mk5 Politia Romana / Romanian Police 1.1 ByAlexQ ...
1、本人是win10系统,已安装GTA5 1.33 RELOADED破解版(本人无其他mods,完全纯净),R组最新破解补丁是可以模拟Social Club,所以根本无需安装Social Club,本人安装GAT5本体和1.33升级补丁中就没安装Social Club。确保你的windows系统已安装 .net framework 4.6及以上版本。2、先安装lspdfr 0.31最新版,把lspdfr文件夹中...
J切换 瞄准时按E逮捕 Shift靠边停车 方向键控制,退格键返回,回车确定 POLICEMOD跟LSPDFR一样好玩 盗...