Just wondering if you put a layer of Mod Podge underneath the page before placing it on the metal circle? Just wanted to double check before I start making them just to be safe! They are awesome BTW! Reply Amy says: December 2, 2012 at 10:55 am Yes you do 😀 Reply Amanda ...
32. Primp Up Your Porch With Mod Podge ashtreecottage 33. Mod Podge Tabletop refreshrestyle 34. Mod Podge Wooden Music Notes adventuresofadiymom
Lightly sand the edges and one side of the washers. This will help the paint stick to the edges and give a little bit more traction for theMod Podgelater on. Spray Paint the Washers Spray paint the edges of the washers. I did this so the edges would blend in with the white cabinets,...
Since missions can be a hodge-podge of assets, the goal was to use the shaders as a "butter knife" smoothing frosting on a cake. If textures can do PBR / materials and other stuff, then they take those branches. If not, then they use fallback methods to try to still add some deta...
Decoupage a Metal File Cabinet with Wrapping Paper DIY Letter Magnets (with Free Ransom Font Printable) Decorate a Ceiling Fan with Mod Podge Colorful End Table Makeover for Your Room 2 Comments Elizabeth says: January 31, 2024 at 8:27 pm Please don’t use that Homer Laughlin plate...
You’ll going to Mod Podge a mason jar lid, paint an embellishment, use an awl to punch a hole, then hang on baker’s twine. The results are so cute and easy! I had a very funny experience not so long ago when cleaning out my craft closet. I found a lot of random objects that...
Before the holiday is even over you’ve got stacks of cardboard, greeting cards, wrapping paper scraps, metal tins, and a whole bunch of other stuff that at one time housed a gift or goodies. Don’t throw it in the garbage. OR the recycling bin. Not before you take a look at this...
Mod Podge Gloss (Mod Podge Stiffy works as well!) Step One: Cut the bits of lace the length and size you like. Step Two: Coat the lace with a medium layer of Mod Podge. If you do this on a plate, peel up and hang to dry. You can also do this on aluminum foil, wax paper,...