Use Mod Podge to decoupage your favorite family pictures on canvas. These DIY canvas pictures are a great budget way to decorate!
However, just before I left for vacation, Erica shared her step-by-step photos of her newest project for making DIY Mod Podge canvas photos. This photo transfer method is super easy and lots of fun. Learn how to transfer your photos to canvas using Mod Podge via the step-by-step photo...
I used these free Photoshop actions by Daniel Box to edit my photos with Instagram effects in PS before having them laser printed at my local Office Depot. Instructions: Cut Photo to fit canvas, and coat canvas and photo with generous layer of glossy Mod Podge. Flip image (print side down...
Mod Podge on Canvas This is a modal window. The media playback was aborted because too many consecutive download errors occurred. Take a peek at David’s project, and then visit all the rest of the David’s Mod Podge projects. I recently renovated my fixer-upper kitchen. I’m very hap...
More Mod Podge Crafts: How to make your own photo canvases– Photo canvas prints can cost a small fortune. Follow this tutorial to make your own. Make thisdecoupage picture frameusing Mod Podge and printed photos. What a great way to display vacation pictures!
Create a faux oil painting– If you have a poster, photograph, or canvas project that you’d like to look like an oil painting, Mod Podge can do it. This is a great way to use up Mod Podge that you’ve let set out too long, because its thicker texture is just right. Or you ca...
Gotta love that Mod Podge! The chair turned out awesome! Love it! Oh, and I spy with my little eye…I have that same cute birdcage I see behind your chair Hugs and Kisses,♥Ana Reply Anu@My Dream Canvas says April 20, 2011 at 10:47 PM This is lovely. Hope to see you at ...
Mod Podge Matte Minwax Polycrylic Instructions Cut the canvas or linoleum to the desired size using a box cutter. Choose the fabric you want to use – I selected three patterns. Cut down to a smaller size just larger than the areas they'll go on. Mark out where you want to fabrics to...
Family Handprint Canvas Layer handprints of varying sizes on a wood surface using Mod Podge! It's fun to use various Easy Kids’ Handprint Art ThisMother’s Day Get the Tutorial 31 Child’s Handprint Jewelry Dish
1 Canvas(es) 9" x 12" Mod Podge Sparkle Egg carton not foam Apple Barrel paint Pipe cleaners green Ribbon coordinating color Buttons Craft glue Instructions Paint the canvas with any color of your choice, Give several coats and let dry. Cut up the egg carton. Each egg container area is ...