P3R.exe 在\steamapps\common\P3R\P3R\Binaries\Win64 3.下载Unreal Essentials 点击左上的Download Mods 搜索Unreal Essentials并下载 4.下载P3FES音乐替换mod https://www.nexusmods.com/persona3reload/mods/8?tab=description 替换的音乐一览(链接已失效): This Mysterious Feeling Mass Destruction(只替换普通...
《女神異聞錄 3》是以精神實體化分身「PERSONA」為題材的神怪風角色扮演遊戲,玩家將扮演具備 PERSONA ...
标题:Persona - Persona 3 FES; Don't Deal With the Devil (instrumental) - Cuphead; Main Menu - Battleblock Theater; Title - The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker 物品收集:固定的玫瑰--大森;Porkrind's Emporium--Cuphead;Thrash Machine--Deltarune;画廊--Sonic Generations;选项--Mario Kart Wii;...
For Persona 3 FES, select the same folder that SLUS_216.21.ELF is located. For Persona 3 Portable, select ...\PSP\P3P in the memstick of the PSP or any folder for FTPing later. For Persona 5, select \PS3_GAME\USRDIR found by right clicking the game in RPCS3 and selecting Open Ins...
Also very interested to see how Persona 3: Reload goes. Seems there was some disagreement in the Persona community between FES and Portable - but with Reload, it seems that most of the community has been favorable towards it. Gantz79 premium 1,188 kudos 29 August 2024, 3:09PM Hi ...
1> Persona 3 FES 2> Persona 4 3> Freelancer 4> ACE COMBAT The Belken War 5> ACE COMBAT Squadron Leader 6> Star Wars Battlefront II 7> Yakuza 8> Farcry 9> Final Fantasy VIII 10>Kill Zone I have alot more favorites but cant put them all down. ...
工作--如梦初醒 黄昏--推理 战斗- 人格 (它来自于人格3 FES) 夜晚--短暂的休息 efs - 惊心动魄 冬季 工作- 面具之下 黄昏- 忏悔/秘密 战斗- 面具之下(终极) 夜晚- 面具之下 - 雨水 efs - 你更强大 春天 工作- 岩户台宿舍 黄昏- 我的朋友 ...
根据推友说法正式名将会叫persona 3 reload,大概会在10-11月发售。登录XBOX PC PS5等平台舅舅说这是...
Persona 3 Reload: Episode Aigis -The Answer- Original Soundtrack Catalog Number AGM-007 Barcode...